Meeting II

Blonde hair and blue eyes, features that were common among nobility was present at the disheveled boy as he shouted with all his might.

"Please help us! My father told me that you are his closest friend and that I should come to you if he dies!! Count Orpheus!!!"

The boy cried at the front of the manor as he kept shouting, "Please help us, Count Orpheus!! I'll do anything you command, just please…"

He wasn't able to continue his words as he sniffled uncontrollably.

The boy felt despair grip his heart as he remembered what had happened to his family as he cried loudly.

Not an ounce of dignity could be sensed from him. After all, he had nothing. For he had already lost everything.

The two guards standing at the entrance of the manor only ignored the pleas of the boy.

At this moment, a dignified voice sounded from within the manor, "Guards, take the boy and bring him in."

"C-Count Orpheus!" Hope sparkled in the boy's eyes as he heard the dignified voice.

He willingly followed behind the guard who picked him up from the ground with a smile on his face.


Tukutuk~ Tukutuk~

Inside the carriage, Regis and Pandora watched as the situation in front of the manor was resolved.

"Who is that?" Regis posed a question towards the guard with a curious expression.

The guard immediately responded, "Esteemed Guests, I assume that you're not aware of the situation within the fortress so let me explain."

"Ehem. Ehem. You see, there are three aristocratic families within the Corelli Fortress. The Count Orpheus Family, the Viscount Ploro Family, and the Viscount Gladius Family."

Regis placed all of his attention towards the guard's words, hoping to gather the most amount of information he possibly could.

"Orpheus Family is a family of mages, Ploro Family consists of warriors and the Gladius Family is made up of swordsmen."

"In the years since the establishment of the fortress, the Orpheus Family ruled with the support of the two Viscount Families. 

"However, recently, there have been many demonic human activities in the periphery of human territory near the fortress."

"This is also the reason why the three aristocratic families sent out squads in order to eliminate the demonic humans and quell the unrest of the masses."

"But everything changed when news about the Gladius Family's squad being wiped out spread through the fortress."

"However, this is not the main reason behind the Gladius Family's fall. It all began when the head of the family, Count Gladius, led a team outside the fortress and died."

"Then from there, a series of unfortunate events befell the count family which ultimately lead to their successor being the only survivor."

The guard then pointed at the boy being escorted by the other guards and continued.

"The boy you see there is the only one left of the family, Killian Gladius. I must say, he's really had enough. I really pity him because of the series of bad luck that happened to him…"

The guard shook his head with a sad expression as he showed his pity towards the boy.

'Killian Gladius, huh?'

Regis noted the boy's name in his mind as he kept silent.

After a few more minutes, the carriage stopped in front of the manor where the guard opened the door for them.

"We're here, Esteemed Guests!"

The guard said as he helped the two children get down from the carriage.

Regis showed a childish smile on his face as he waved the guard goodbye, "Thank you, Mister!"

'Okay, this is it.'

He made sure to show a nervous expression as he faced the two guards at the entrance.

Unlike the talkative guard at the gate, these two seemed more strict about their job.

"Don't be nervous."

Regis gently told Pandora as he held her hand and led her up the main door.

"Are you the ones saved by Young Master Fiollo?" One of the guards spoke as he strictly looked at the two.

Regis nodded, still showing the nervous expression on his face.

Though deep inside, he thought, 'Now, let's see just what you have in store for us. If push comes to shove, I'll use my demonic power.'

The two of them followed the guard as he escorted them along the halls of the manor.

Pandora looked around with sparkles in her eyes as she saw the luxuriousness of the Orpheus Manor.

She could feel her heart thumping as her newfound interest in sparkling and luxurious things slowly awakened within her.

It didn't take long before the guard stopped in front of a large door spanning over two meters tall in height.

He looked at the two children behind him and said, "This is the hall where the Count resides. Make sure to assume proper etiquette as disrespect might lead to your deaths."

Gulping, Regis nodded and replied, "We understand, Mister Guard."

At this moment, a dignified voice came from within the room as if he knew that they were there, "You may enter."

The guard proceeded to the side, letting Regis and Pandora go through.


The massive door opened by itself much to the two children's wonder.

Regis saw a man oozing with dignity sitting on a chair, looking out the window with his back towards them.

"You may sit."

Regis led Pandora and sat at the burgundy couch at the center of the room.

"Tell me about yourselves."

'Is there something wrong with him…? Don't nobels usually care for their reputation?'

Regis thought in his heart as he coughed lightly and bowed, "I-it's a pleasure to meet you, Count Orpheus.'

Of course, he made sure to act nervous. He even stuttered to make it more real.

"T-To be honest, Mister Fiollo is really kind hearted to have saved us from the monsters of the Goblin Fore—"

"Shut up."

The dignified man cut off Regis's words as he slowly turned his chair and looked at them.

His black eyes met with blood-red ones.

"Enough with the lies. Tell me what happened to Fiollo and how you got the emblem."