Continuing The Journey

"Again, thank you for saving our village!!"

An old man shouted with tears in his eyes as he bowed his head.

"Gramps, you've thanked us a hundred times already. You don't have to worry about it." said Killian with a helpless expression.

It was not only him as Regis and Pandora also wore helpless faces.

The old man in front of them was the chief of the small village that they had saved from the bandits two days ago.

Since then, he had bowed in gratitude towards them whenever they met.

"Please excuse my father." A neat man who seemed to be in his thirties said as he scratched the back of his head.

"However, it is true that if not for you, then we won't be standing here today."

The man smiled and continued, "So if we can still be of help to you by any chance, please just say so."

"Thank you for your consideration, but we're really fine. Besides, you've already let us have our stay here for free. You've already helped us enough."