
"I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience, Traveler. But this is quite a urgent matter." Zhongli spoke formally.

"But I hope you would now understand how important and serious this is." He continued while sipping his tea.

Hutao sat next to Zhongli while he spoke with the Traveler, she had a worried expression and thought the traveler would decline after what she witnessed earlier.

"Yes, of course, Zhongli." Aether answered with a smile that seemed real.

"Well that's fantastic, thank you Traveler." Zhongli smiled back.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about, Hutao." Zhongli added as he turned his head to her.

Hutao was shocked as she replayed what the Traveler had said.


"I'm not allowed to say 'no'." Aether said angrily.


She quickly covered her worry with a smile.

"I guess you were right, Zhongli!" Hutao laughed.

"On one condition." Aether added.

"What is your condition, Traveler?" Zhongli inquired.

"If anything happens to me..." he started.

"Will you take responsibility?" He finished with a empty smile.

Hutao was shocked at this request.

"I believe we're all in this together-" Zhongli spoke with slight concern before being interrupted.

"If anything happens to me, it'll be your fault." Aether interrupted.

"And you'll keep your promise too, right Hutao?"

Before Hutao could speak, Aether spoke again.

"Paimon." Aether said blatantly.

"Yes?" She responded confused.

"Let's go."