New discoveries

Before burying himself in the pile of corpses, Lucius with the available resources he had scavenged out of those dead bodies and the limited time he had on his hands set some traps to be prepared against the perpetrators who had caused the death of the original owner of this body. 

Since, he had already lost one of his arms and was already in a bloody mess, just by lying down motionless, he could deceive almost any onlooker into thinking that he was actually dead. But a little more caution wouldn't hurt, would it? 

Thus, just to look a little more convincing, he also held his breath. 

Soon bunch of people hideously dressed in black robes accompanied by few people dressed quite extravagantly in different kinds of robes and armours made their way towards the scene. Some of them held a sword, while some of them held wands in their hands. 

And upon closer inspection none of them appeared to be old or middle-aged. Rather every single one of them looked quite young. 

"If not for that bastard, we would have killed that bitch" 

Sounding extremely furious, one of the individuals who was carrying a fine-looking sabre complained. 

"Indeed, we even lost multiple of our men because of him" 

Another individual with the same vigour as the previous individual, chimed in. 

"Shut up, you two" 

Suddenly while they were complaining, an authoritative feminine voice which sounded rather cold resounded in the vicinity which immediately caused the previous two individuals to shut their mouth like a dog tucking its tail after being scolded by the owner. 

"You had only one simple task and yet you couldn't even fulfil it?"

"Now if that bitch Rafaela makes it out of here alive, mark my words, I'll skin every one of you who failed this mission, alive" 

The same feminine voice continued with rage. 

"Now quickly clear this mess and go find that bitch again"

Just based on their conversation, Lucius could somewhat guess about the incident which had taken place here some moment ago. The reason he could tell that not much time had passed since this incident had taken place is because of the injuries inflicted on the corpses. 

Also, the blood oozing out of these corpses around him was rather fresh.

However, the situation still looked rather bleak for him as these perpetrators had returned back to clear the mess. Which meant that they were going to burn all these bodies or bury these bodies. There was also a possibility of dissolving the bodies with acid or feeding the bodies to hungry beasts. 

No matter what method was used to clear the scene, every single method was a terrible news to Lucius who was pretending to be dead. 

"Wha… What if the invigilators find out about this incident?" 

In a rather shaky voice exuding fear and cowardice, one of the individuals who had tagged along with this bunch, questioned the girl from before who was commanding those guys dressed in black to erase the evidence and clear the truth. 

Turning her captivating grey eyes possessing an enigmatic depth, hinting at a wisdom far beyond her age, she turned towards the timid looking boy that was raising an unnecessary question towards her at the moment. 

Shooting daggers that could pierce a hole in anyone's heart, she coldly glared at the boy which immediately sent a shiver down the spine of that boy. 

"Who do you think you're talking to? If you fool can think of it then you think I Seraphina wouldn't have taken consideration about that matter huh?" 

She coldly spoke in her prideful yet intimidating tone. 

Just listening to her words, Lucius who had been hiding among pile of corpses felt that this girl with authoritative tone was rather difficult. 

"Invigilators won't be coming here for another day"

'And the one that would be coming had already been bribed as well' 

Seraphina thought while providing words of assurance. However she didn't feel like telling this to the people who were already on their death bed.

Hearing her words that timid looking boy who was sweating profusely out of fear, felt his body lightening as he felt reassured after hearing her reassurance. 

But the next instance as he heaved a sigh of relief, his head was sent flying away from his neck. 

Immediately upon seeing this horrifying scene others who had tagged along with her became panicked as their eyes became frantic and their mouth let out a startling scream, "Ahhhhhhh!!!"


Many upon seeing this gruesome scene, felt rather perplexed and horrified. Their survival instinct warned them that soon it'd be their turn. Thus, as their survival instinct kicked in, those bunches who were dressed in extravagant robes immediately rose their guard as they prepared themselves for an impending attack. 

"It's simple" Speaking such she paused as she curled the corner of her lips— revealing a sinister smile on her face, she continued in rather low but intimidating tone, "You all have seen way too much and could I let such people live" 

'An internal strife?' Lucius who was still pretending to be dead thought while waiting for an opportunity to strike. 

As much as it was a nuisance, it was also a god given opportunity to him to get out of this situation alive. If only he could capitalize this opportunity, he wouldn't have to fear the numbers of the enemies. 

The ones who were carrying swords and weapons, their weapons lit up as a layer of energy resembling different colours coated their weapons. At the same time, a change started taking place in the surrounding as those who seemingly looked like magicians started their chants. 

Hearing their chants, Lucien thought to himself, 'Perhaps in this world the concept of embedding the chants on heart hasn't been discovered yet'

From the world from where Lucius had come from, mages often stored the chants of some spells in their heart to reduce the chanting time. Afterall wars and battles were rather common in the world he had come from. 

And going up against knight who could unleash their might without needing to chant, if a mage wasted his time on lengthy chants, then it would be the end for him/her. But the only drawback to this method was that the spells that a mage could hold was rather limited and painful. 

It was like tattooing the chants in the heart. 

And also, the spell that could be stored was according to the strength of the mage. For example, a mage of 5th circle would find it extremely hard to store a spell of 6th circle. In most of the scenario such attempts would only lead to death.