Unexpected encounter

Crumbs of the walls fell as those punches landed on the wall. At the same time, blood splattered all around in a way almost as if somebody had squashed a watermelon. 

Those fearsome strikes obliterated a part of the wall yet couldn't destroy it. And even though, it deformed the wall by creating a crater on the wall it still failed to penetrate the wall. Even after suffering those monstrous strikes, the wall remained quite sturdy. 

As for Lucius, he didn't even get an opportunity to scream. Let alone an opportunity to scream, he didn't even get an opportunity to breathe. Before he could even feel the pain, he got squashed into mincemeat by those heavy pounding. 

Surprisingly enough, even after getting pounded into mincemeat, he didn't die. Instead after closing his eyes, he again found himself in a completely unfamiliar location. 

"Wha..., I didn't... die?" he uttered with great difficulty. 

Though everything around him was dark, he had a whim that he hadn't died yet. 

As he tried to open his eyes, he felt a sharp ringing pain in his head. It was almost as if somebody had struck him with a hammer. 

"Argh...," he groaned as he felt the pain. 

"Oh, you're finally waking up?" 

An unfamiliar voice entered his ear. 

'Who's talking?' 

Upon hearing that unfamiliar voice, he couldn't help but wonder. And, it didn't feel like he was hallucinating either. The pain was just too real for him to be hallucinating right now. 

Was it Blake? No, it didn't sound like it was Blake. Then who could it be?

He could only force himself to open his eyes to find the person to whom the voice belonged. 

With great difficulty, he then tried to open his eyes. But, the more he forced himself, the pain got even more intense. 

Finally, after a few tries, as he opened his eyes, a blurry figure of a person came into his sight. 

He had a somewhat dark complexion and long and unkempt hair that cascaded down his back like a mane of midnight. 

"Who?" he asked, unsure about the person. 

"Are you asking about me?" 

The person replied while pointing his fingers towards him. 

Who else could it be, if not you? 

Lucius wanted to answer such. But, he wasn't in a condition where he could do as per his wish. Though the pain had started to subside, his head still hurt like crazy. He could hardly shake off that bulging pain which was rendering him useless at the moment. 

Still, as time passed, his vision started to improve. It started becoming more clearer. But, before he could bring himself to reply, the person in front spoke, "Somebody who's been here way longer than you"

What the hell is he talking about? Just where the hell was he right now? Can't you just answer what you've been asked?

Hearing his responses, Lucius couldn't help but lampoon. 

Then as his vision got better, he could see the person's face even better. However, upon finding out the true appearance of the person, he was left perplexed. It wasn't what he was expecting to see. 

Wrapped in some kind of black armor from head to toe, he had a quite young appearance. Young enough to mistake him for a child. But, the way he talked, it didn't even cross his mind once that he was talking to a child. 

Sure, he sounded overtly cheerful and his tone did sound somewhat childish. But, his speech didn't seem childish at all. However, truth be told, it didn't sound quite weird. 

Though he was utterly perplexed by his appearance, he still couldn't bring himself to speak for a while. All he was capable of right now was to get a proper look at this child in front of him. 

"Man, I was dying of boredom...., I've been trapped here for so long that I have already lost track of time..., But, now that I think about it, I wonder how long I've been here?"

His inability to voice his speech didn't seem like a problem right now as the person in front kept blabbering on his own without any pause. It truly felt as if he had been dying to speak.

Swaying his body, he kept on blabbering nonstop for quite a while. Which, provided him with an opportunity to settle down. 

"It's been ages since I last saw the sun. But, for some reason instead of growing old, I aged backward during my stay here,"

 He was quite loquacious. And, it didn't seem like he was planning on stopping anytime soon. 

'Just who is he? And, where am I?' observing his surroundings, he tried to figure out his situation. 

What about those statues? Was it a dream? 

Sure, figuring out his present situation was his priority. But that didn't mean that he could forget that horrible experience. That nightmarish moment didn't feel like a dream either. 

Just what the hell is going on with him?

No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't be sure. Instead, he became even more confused after ransacking his mind. 

All along while the kid in front kept on blabbering, he kept on trying to figure out his situation. He didn't even pay much attention to him. Because of the way he presented himself, he didn't feel it would be worth it to listen to him. 

Though to figure out his present situation that kid would be his best option. Yet still, because of his loquaciousness, he ignored him. 

"Ahh right...., I forgot to introduce myself. Though you had been asking about it, it had been so long since I got to talk to a person other than those barbaric monsters, so I hope you'd understand"

Monsters? What kind of monsters? Don't tell me, it's those statues?

Upon hearing the mention of the monsters, he couldn't help but link with those creepy statues. And, because of it, his heart started to palpitate as he started becoming anxious. 

"By the way, I go by the name Kaiser Norgon. What about you kid?"