The battle

Lucius felt quite ironic about Kaiser's naming sense. But it wasn't the time to ridicule his naming sense when he had a much bigger problem ahead of him. 

Immediately, he pulled out the dagger he had hidden under his sleeves, preparing himself to engage. There was no time for him to act scared. 

At this moment, Stoneface roared all of a sudden. Its discordant roar reverberated throughout the hallway, generating a shockwave that swept away dust and some debris towards them. 

Despite the shockwave trying to sweep him with it, Lucius stayed firm in his place. Partly shielding his eyes with his only arm, he fixated his gaze on Stoneface. Holding the dagger in his hand, he was prepared to defend himself. 

But still, since Kaiser knew about it, so he felt a need to ask him about the methods to handle it, "Any bright ideas?"

Kaiser raised his hand, and the snake uncoiled from his neck, transforming into a whip-like weapon full of thorny scales and a spear tip at both its ends.

Upon witnessing the marvel of Naga, Lucius's pupils enlarged with a mixture of awe and surprise. What in the mother nature was such a phenomenon? How could a living being transform into a weapon? How can one even handle such a weapon?

Perplexed, he stared intently at the weapon, totally forgetting the threat in front. 

As Kaiser held the newly transformed weapon in his hand and started to swing, he spoke, "Just one. Don't look into its eyes"

It was no time to act perplexed. The world was always full of surprises. 

Lucius then took a deep breath and focused his gaze on the legs of the creature, "Alright. Got it."

Swinging his weapon freely, Kaiser then attacked the monster. The creature tried to shield its eyes as it noticed the blade coming its way. The sharp tip penetrated its stony arm but wasn't enough to get through it. 

However, it still managed to hurt it slightly as Stoneface let out a furious growl. 


Immediately Kaiser made a follow-up attack. Skillfully handling his unique weapon as if it wasn't a weapon but a part of his body, Kaiser spammed his strikes in rapid succession, giving the monster not even a single moment to rest. 

Despite the continuous pounding, Stoneface remained as tenacious and sturdy as a mountain as it refused to go down easily. There was only so much Lucius could do at the moment. It wasn't a battle but a one-sided torture. 

All along, while Kaiser continued to battle the humongous creature, his expression didn't change even for a split second— it remained as cold-hearted as at the start of the battle. 

Even after taking so much damage, for some inexplicable reason, it occurred to Lucius as if Stoneface was getting even stronger than before. And, it didn't take long for his assumption to prove right as the flow of the battle started to change.

Previously it was Kaiser who was pushing Stoneface, but all of a sudden he started to get pushed back instead. 

But why exactly did Kaiser tell him to be aware of its eyes? Since its mention, it had been bugging him. But he couldn't bring himself to find the reason. 

Stoneface swung its massive arm their way. While Kaiser evaded its strike without breaking a sweat, Lucius narrowly avoided it. 


As its punch struck the surface, it completely obliterated the region of contact, creating a crater. Dust smoke rose as it continued to swing its fist. At the same time, both the surface and the structure shook with its impact. 

The more it swung its fist, the more it got difficult for Lucius to keep up. And, it seemed as if it would be only a matter of time before the structure around them would collapse. 

'Just how do we defeat it? Its body is as tough as steel. Even Kaiser's weapon could barely penetrate it and there's a matter regarding its power up.' While dodging its attacks, Lucius rummaged his mind, trying to think of some clues to defeat it. 

With every passing moment, their situation was turning even more perilous. And, after observing Kaiser's battle with Stoneface, it occurred to Lucius that not even Kaiser knew of a way to defeat it. Maybe he might have faced it before but due to his agility and strength he managed to escape its reach, and that's how he managed to stay alive until now. 

Slithering through the ground, Kaiser's weapon steadily approached Stoneface as he launched a counterattack after avoiding Stoneface's death blow. Its movement was almost similar to that of the movement of the snake. 

Avoiding obstacles in its way, it steadily headed toward Stoneface. 

Noticing the incoming attack, Stoneface began to blindly pound its massive fist into the ground. 

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!!

Despite the multiple attempts on trying to trample Kaiser's weapon, it failed to land even a single punch. Instead by the time it stopped swinging its fist, it found itself chained. Coiled around its leg, Kaiser's weapon had restrained it. 

Enraged, its eyes glowed crimson as it struggled to break free. 

"Now!" Kaiser shouted, "Strike its eyes, but don't look at them no matter what."

He had no time to hesitate. It was now or never. 

Immediately Lucius seized the moment as he rushed forward. Then he climbed up its massive body with great difficulty. While climbing, he could barely keep himself from falling. But despite the difficulty, he kept him from falling. 

It was already difficult to climb atop it due to its constant movement. But he also had to be mindful of its strike thrown at him at random. At this moment, he truly felt as if he was slaying a giant. 

Plus his handicap only made the matter worse for him. 

Then just as he was about to reach its head, Lucius slipped. However, he immediately composed himself as he made use of his magic to shoot him upward. 

He flew above its massive face. Then as he descended, he struck his dagger in one of its eyes. Stoneface bellowed in pain, staggering backward. At the same time, it swung its massive fist on its face, attempting to swat Lucius like a fly.