
The pimple is fading, today was a replica of yesterday day, except Seb came on time today, I brought him some red velvet cookies __ which I made last weekend__ as truce, he accepted them, we hugged it out, and I swear the car drive was the longest because I believe he talked about a boy he hates for hours and all I got was. ' he wants our parking spot for his little bike ' I thought it was a bicycle the was he said it then he added

' Gosh I hate R1 drivers' which caught my attention because duh, I'm a booktok girlie, so when I hit him with ' is he cute? ' he glared deep in my soul then smiled as he said

' Don't. Mony don't you dare! ' Seb and I have this thing where if I flirt with anyone in his circle __ which is literally our whole school__he'll hock up with one of my friends, jokes on him he's my only friend, well besides my cousin __ whom I consider a very close friend __ but she's happily married, so my response was ' what? I'm just asking! Grow up ' to which he replied with ' I know that you know what I'm talking about, don't start or I'll hock up with ... Stefani, you hate her! Right? '

' I don't exactly hate her, and Stef might actually thank me if you do so, go ahead! '

' Monica! I swear to God if you got close to this boy I'll break the spine of all your books.'

' Rude! And why can't I do so, you hate him! I can't go out with your friends nor your enemies?'

' Exactly, my friends are disrespectful and disgusting when it comes to women and my enemies will use and hurt you, so no! Especially not your first time. '

' ... I'm regretting telling you that about me, and if you don't let me date it will always be my first time then you wouldn't think anyone is good enough. '

' Exactly, no boyfriend until you're 30. Wait, 35. Right, no boys until you're 35, you hear me young lady? '

' what are you ? my father? Seb, respectfully stop c*ck-bl*cking me!! Wait, stop clam jamming me, bro!!'

' Can't. Promised your father I'll watch after you.'

'..... Sexist '

' smutt reader! '





' okay, I'm tired of this, so here's a deal, I'll hock you up with Stacy, you bring me a man, my Type '

' what? '

' if anyone I choose isn't good enough I'll try your choice, at the same time, you'll get a date with Stacy, that's all, deal big boy? '

'..... Deal, and it's not because of Stacy it's because I'll make sure he is the one for you, I have your father's trust in me that's no light weight.'

' finally! And by the way who's that in our parking spot? ' I spoke as we got to the school's parking lot.

' What? Mother f***** !!! I warned him yesterday! ' he screamed . loud .

' maybe he didn't give a shit about your warning, since you're no police officer, in fact, with such bike, even if an officer gave him a ticket he wouldn't give a shit.'

' what do you mean?

' No licence, buddy ' I said mindlessly pointing the obvious.

' Well ! Isn't that a great way to start his morning.'

' Seb, wait, don't! '

But it was already too late, he was on the phone with an officer we both know very well __ AKA, my father __ anyways, I left him doing his thing and went to the studio, today is the day my sunshine comes back from his trip, he'll be in the studio first thing in the morning, so I'll let Seb be Seb.

I entered the empty studio, no wonders I'm disappointed but I guess, if I was on a 14 hours flight, going to school wouldn't be on my list for things to do as soon as I land too, so I just sat down and painted my sketch, water colors because I was feeling like it, my sunshine is a shy boy, a talented child.

His chicken scratchs will sell for thousands of Euros, the kid is the kindest human I know, Joseph or how I call him sunshine, the kid literally have no haters, last year as soon as he walked pasted the entrance door as freshman he started spreading his positive energy everywhere, add to that his dedication to art along with his skilled hands and you got yourself an artist, Ms Moore tried talking him into opening a gallery at the end of last year with all his tableaux as the french boy calls it, but his mother interjected saying she bought them of all and displayed them in her own gallery at her house, his mother was his number one fan, some may think she's just encouraging her child until they find out she works as an art critic, a very strict one __ cheers to those who's mothers missed PAT more then once__ speaking of great mothers, a neighbor of mine who lost her husband many years ago.

A house wife who had no one what so ever after her husband's death, raised her child by herself. The poor woman who got pregnant right after high school by her dear late husband, didn't continue her education and stayed home to take care of her babygirl, which probably was a great decision until 7 years ago when a drunk truck driver crashed into her husband's car which later resulted with two deaths, not only did that woman lost the love of her life but she also didn't have the time to grief, she knew she had to take care of her daughter no matter what happens so she used the money her husband left to pursue law school, the widow had to leave her sweetheart to her mother in law while being in uni since she was only 8 at the time, not knowing that the woman who she called auntie, was ruining her daughter's life, how you might ask? the mother in law who we will call Ms B was mad at her daughter in law AKA my lovely neighbor because she didn't seem sad but instead eager to get her husband's money and pursue her dream that her son prevented from her and started sprouting lies in the poor baby's head like:

' your father left you because you're useless just like your mother will once she finds out how horrible the child she birthed was ' the

8-year-old who didn't know what death was and didn't sperate lies with the truth believed her, she developed mental illnesses, basically the type psychos call emo, but this girl wasn't the eye liner type of emo or the side bangs kind either.

She was the loner who walks around school wearing black converse and a black hoodie, baggy jeans that did not show how skinny she was under, wolf cut, either headphones or ear pods to listen to sad music 24/7, you know? that kinda of emo, as soon as her mother graduated, their visits to Ms B lessened, which was for the best because the mother fixed the relationship between herself and her daughter.

The emo girl whose name is Kate, stopped wanting to be sad, and for once to let herself be happy after her father's death who she doesn't even have enough memories of, although the misunderstanding is gone, she forgot how it felt to be happy, no matter how hard her mother tried, even therapy _which helped with the eating disorder_didn't make her happy. Until the emo music loving girl met the art freak shy boy, their moms were old friends__ who would have guessed?__ so when Joseph's mom invited her old friend and her daughter to watch her gallery at a small gathering she made, the girl who almost lost hope in finding happiness again couldn't stop smiling at the canvases, they made her happy, they spoke to her, so when she met the artist responsible for the feelings she wanted so desperately to feel.

And he who thought it was going to be another boring night where his mom will brag about him none stop, was shocked to met the love of his life who killed him with her dimples, which caused him to cute stutter until she asked him out, totally different motives but they went out. And not the dinners type of dates but ferris wheel, picnic, dog sitting_ which I liked the idea of_she eventually fell for him too, I mean he is the sunshine, so yeah, now they're the cutest couple I know, how did I learn this story you might want to ask? Our love birds were failing math, so I tutored them in change of the juicy details that only I and them know now, what can I say? I'm noisy, so yeah I finished my canvas which turned out great, the bad luck today was that when I stood up after, my chair was a crime scene, the period curse wins again . So I wet a napkin and scrub hard on the chair I was sitting at, not gonna lie felt like I was a criminal hiding his traces, my classes for the day were biology and math each for two hours... not an exciting day so I went home on foot. I was excited to find out about Seb's reaction to my bento, it's a shame, but I sent his food with one of his teammates, so he'll be set for the afternoon, I wrote this after lunch cause I'm craving a long nap....one last thing, f*ck period cramps.
