
You won't believe what I just saw, Seb dropped me off like 15 minutes ago from school but I forgot my lipgloss in his car so I went right back down, just to find this:

' ... Siri, am I beautiful?'

' you're beautiful on the inside and the outside.'

' evidence '

' here's your search's results '

'No evidence that I'm beautiful '

' you're beautiful on the inside and the outside '

' No, I need evidence '

' sorry, I don't understand, what do you want me to say?'

' ... Sing for me '

' plays a random song '

' NO! another one '

' plays children lullaby '

' sings it word for word '

That was funny especially his face when he saw me, man took off so fast he probably travelled through time, he probably won't be here tomorrow to go see the movie we agreed on but whatever.

NOW , to the main event, this morning was alright, the usual just mediocre cramps, but back to Kyle, so... I only had two classes in the morning and another 2 in the afternoon, which meant I had about two hours to go catch Kyle to continue our conversation... The results were.... weird to say the least.

When I got to Kyle house after the morning class, I knocked on the door multiple times, no answer which is weird because he's usually awake this time of the day, so I took the backup keys he gave me and opened the door just to see if he was avoiding me?

I started looking around the kitchen and the living room, but found nothing, it was awfully quiet, I knocked on his bathroom, no answer, so I went to his room which was unlocked?

A big room with mate black walls the only source of light is coming from the European window I don't know how to open, there is LED light under and around the bed, and there he lies, a ball covered in a black blanket, I see his feet, is he actually asleep? Or is he faking it? I turn to look around the room, I've been to his room before.

Knowing him it still doesn't surprise me that I don't see any decorations, just a few diplomas, some weird degrees I can't even pronunce . You might ask 'Why is the 28 year old still tutoring when he could be a uni professeur ? '

That's because he doesn't want to teach college student!!

Kyle explained once that it was below him to do so, but not in a cocky way because he can teach the professors himself. He has been doing research for 4 years, and every year multiple universities fund his research, I'm talking about top 10 Ivy leagues in the world. He lives on those funds, then give the results to the universities, he only agreed to teach in my uni next year because he's worried I'll need help there.

It's literally across the country from here so ... Yeah, he's a good friend, he found a cheat code to life and my man took one for the team just to keep me company, so no wonder I feel bad about what I did, imagine this monstrosity okay, I backed up against a wall, took a breath , ran straight and jumped on him....

The problem was... It's wasn't Kyle, the voice who cursed at me as I removed my knee from his guts wasn't familiar. So I took the blanket and lowered it to see what or whom had I just crashed with my elephant weight, and as soon as I pull on the soft material I'm blissed by a really handsome face. Pale face, long lashes and thick eyebrows which I know most girls would kill to have, a beauty mark under his right eye and another on the side off his mouth, full lips which I had to fight myself to not touch, a ghost off mustache over those dreamy lips, I couldn't stop myself, as my hand lingered forward as if to make sure this is an actual human being and not a Greek god. He caught my wrist as he held it tight in his hard grip. He looks pissed. His clenched jaw and and the knot between his eyebrows at the top of his nose bridge gave him away.

And that is when I finally get to see his eyes or rather the resentment in them, a green color I never thought eyes would have, like jewels ... But nothing like emerald, beyond it. It looks like something that's meant to forever shine, a true green light.


He spoke and to be honest his voice did disappoint a bit. It was a rich deep voice the but problem with it, is that he still sounds young, probably my age or younger. Tho it did suit him really well. I can bet good bucks on it, he'll grow to be the sexiest man alive ever known to humanity, an irresistible god of desire and need_i'll give him about 10 to 15 years_

I was about to remember my manners and get off him myself but the sudden grab of a certain someone who put me on his bare shoulder and made it impossible to move as he hugged my legs and left my torso hanging on his muscular back_ I'm not complaining that the guy was shirtless, tbh I kinda liked it up there better than any thing... Except the part that I was face to face with his buttocks...I mean would you blame me?_ tattoos that I don't recognize covered his back, beautiful ink . My weakest weakness besides a dirty mouth ofc.

I mean for all I knew I somehow came to see Kyle but ended up in his hot neighbor's house who's roommate defined the word sexy in the dictionary. The guy I kicked? Couldn't compare. Him thinking for a second he could compete was hilarious. Sure I only saw his back but I could tell.

This man was holding me like I weight nothing, as if I'm just a feather. I'm not light I know that because I grew up around build people and always made them pick me up_ I was short and I liked being higher off the ground, it seems I still like it_ and as I grew older they couldn't anymore .

So to be manhandled with such ease, I can proudly say I'm happy I stumbled into this hot neighbor's house . The guy holding me turns to see me but fails as my butt covers his vision, at least it covers mine, a drop of water hit my cheek , that's when I notice his damp hair and the low hanging towel on his waist, I can't see much except for his legs which are covered with muscles _ gosh, I'm shameless, I'm checking the guy's toned muscles,cute ass and various tattoos. I wonder if they all have meaning, a few stood out to me, I want to ask him about them later_ first let's get to know this babe here, I thought as I was about to open my mouth with a Chessy pick up line, when I got cut off by the tall and dark muscular guy_ thank God I didn't say a word, disaster avoided, well... Not fully_ the voice deep, richer than the other guy , with a rasp to it, I bet my firstborn it's his sexy morning voice, he just woke up~

It wasn't until a few minutes later when he puts me down and I saw his face I can finally fathom what he said.

" MONICA DENVER! why the heck were you sitting on my brother?! Why are you here in the first place ?! How did you enter the house?!"


It was Kyle.

Fucking KYLE.

The sexy stranger I almost fantasized about bearing his babies is my tutor who is 10 years older than me and my really good friend who I have yet to notice that he ever had tattoos or muscles this defined and big or the sexy look he gave me back then, looking a little mad but a lot confused whilst towering over me with his build, looking down at me through his blissful lashes, I squirm right then and there.

" ...Kyle?" I whisper the sound not audible to anyone else.

" Yes, Mony?" He returned sounding furious and well content .

Man got patience.

I wasn't stupid enough not to realize the situation but I couldn't apologized on the spot and explain everything to him . I was stuttering like mad woman, from the shock then fear. The latter because Kyle never spoke to me in that tone before, like never. And the former because I didn't know Kyle had a brother.

What should be shocking is how I forget for a good while that his brother was in the room with us or that he existed after Kyle picked me up, the man I thought was better looking than my book boyfriends got forgotten because I was horny for my tutor....

No soul would find about this, like ever.

Well over my dead deceased body.
