
He's here, ladies.

Back with a newly black eye for some reason...

I can't even ask...Seb's rules:

1/ Don't go to the cops unless it's above four days, above 96 hours.

2/ You don't get to ask anything about it.

3/ don't make a fuzz when I get back_ just act like we met the day before _

Those were the only rules he put from when we were ten, he added one more rule a few years ago.

4/ The important matters about Stacy are the only texts he'll read.

Ngl. That right there cut deep.

" So, you owe me a man."

" What?" He chokes on his tacos, and starts mad coughing chunks of food and a lot of spit. It's a good thing we're on the rooftop and not in the cafeteria, this image wouldn't look good on the popular jock.

" Our deal? You, a date with Stacy and me, with a guy my type? Does it ring any bells?"

" You got her to go on a date with me? ... You're the best wing woman ever_"

" Not without my part of the deal, where my man at?"

" .. I'll find you one, but it'll take a little while . So when can I go on a date with Stacy?"

" A little while?... Sure I can wait but sadly I don't think stacy could. What if I postpone your date a few weeks, mere months or a couple of years, maybe even when she's married and swelling up with the child of the love of her life? I'll ask her politely to take pity on you and give you a coffee date. By then I'll be well in my thirties able to find a partner without the consistent overbearing of you and my dad."

" Cheap shot."

" Cheap- ... I Did my end of the deal. do yours. Point. Period."

" Sheesh... Feisty! So What's your type any way?"

" Above 5 foot 6. Biker. Dark hair. Light eyes.

Probably owns a yamaha YZF R1. Not much really."

" You have a lot of standards for a 5 foot 2 dwarf with nothing to offer except that you bake the best brownies."

" Not to brag, but I have a lot to offer" i say pointing out my curves and wiggling my eyebrows at him.

The bitch starts wheezing... Sebastian never wheeze, he smirks, that's his whole thing. He only gives lopsided smiles and smirks. But wheezing?

" You're so funny.... That almost killed me."

"I'm serious."

"...Like deadass?"


"Respectfully bestie, but you're build like a white board. Not even a microscope can find a single curve on your chest."

" I'm not that flat chested"

" When you lay on your back, you use your chest as a cup stand."

" ...That is mean. True. But mean. Also what I lack in Assets. I make up for with my ... Knowledge."I retour with a kinda raspy joking tone.

"Please your BDSM test results are probably 99% vanilla."

"It's actually 74% vanilla. So you're stupid."

The fucker is now bending over with laughter, I kick him hard making him fall on the ground. Still laughing.

"Ahahah... You took the test!?!"

" So what? You probably did too what was your results?"

That's when he stops and give me his fuck boy smirk that usually get the girls squirming. I still don't get it.

" Hold that thought. Don't think I actually wanna know. I don't know why I asked I the first place."

He chuckled now mumbling something about (good choice.)

After he gets it together he comes back to sit next to me in the comfortable silence. Well it's was silent until he opened his mouth. Asking questions he has no business asking, what does he mean by:

" How did you get her to say yes to going on a date with me ?"

Blackmail! What else would you think? We're not friends, actually we're the farthest thing from friends, so I can't just ask her to do me a favor and on a date with my homeboy. And gosh was that a conversation to have late on a Tuesday afternoon. I felt like I wan on a roller coaster.

"...Why are you here?" She questions me as I stand in front of her in the grand library, only a hardwood table separating us_ still don't get how she could get cozy for hours on such uncomfortable material _ it smells fabulous, I bet it's pine, my favorite, but the smell of her strong perfume is blocking my nostrils airways. Attention seeker.

" What do you mean?"

" Well, in case you forgot, thrillers are on B2 and B3." She adds seemingly bore with my presence, not upset or bothered, just bored. As if I was a nuisance she should ignore then it will disappear on its own.

" I'm here to talk to you?" I suggest sweetly, my annoyance at her childish action not seeping through my words thankfully.

She grunts. As if to say why is this lowlife talking to me. This girl is getting pretty fast on my nerves, needless to say since neither of us want a long Convo, I jumped to the point.

*I need you to go on a date with someone."

I ask, politely.

" What? Who do think I am? Some kinda escort?" She replies rage obvious in her eyes, I have never seen her this angry.

Some will get scared, I didn't give a fuck.

" I don't know what an escort is? I'm assuming it's something insulting for you to be this ... Anyway you go on a date with a certain someone or I'll tell Kyle about what the inappropriate feelings you have for your teacher." I deadpan.

And then the silence was deafening. The tension in the air was so thick I could probably lick it off. What does tension tastes like? Probably the same thing I felt right then after threatening to expose her big juicy secret. Like shit .

She looked horrified, as if I was the devil, which I felt like after what I had done, not proud I broke girl's code. I had no excuse except my selfish need to get a boyfriend so I'll stop daydreaming about my tutor. And I have tried multiple different ways to get a man. But having a police officer as a father and a nut job of a brother like Seb, it's impossible to date without their permission.

" ... How did you find out?" She said barely above a whisper, if I didn't see her lips moving i would have assumed it was in my head.

She was looking at her book trying and miserably failing to hide her feelings, her hands were shaking, shoulders so tense as if they were hammered in place. Then came the final blow, a drop of tears fell on the page.

My head was throbbing with confusion and regret. Stacy has never cried. Not when she lost a competition by one point to some middle schoolers last year. Not when her boyfriend publicly broke up with her in the cafeteria in 8th grade. Not when her dad left her and her mom when she was 11.

I made her cry. I guess that's something I could send to Seb and he'll absolutely read it.

I was tempted to just delete what I had done from the universe. I never thought she'll get this upset. Gosh I'm horrible at treating crying people. I bet she hates it just as much as I do to cry in public, if not more since she have never done it.

I rounded the table, pulled out a chair. And closed her book making sure my finger bookmarked the page she's on.

" You need better friends. I was minding my business in the bathroom when I heard them talking behind your back. It came up in their conversation." I explained contemplating back rubs to comfort her. Still I was scared she'll lach out on me any second. Like suddenly she'll put back the fake mask of boss bitch she had on since birth apparently.

Why does the cool kids have to wear masks, if it causes them so much pain to shove their feelings down. Why do it in the first place?

I follow my intuition and rub lightly her back with soothing circles. At least what I wished was soothing to her. But I guess not since she broke in full on sobbing. I'm the worst piece of shit on this earth.

I was about to remove myself from the situation, and tell her to forget our Convo when she .... Hugged me??




" It's none of your business." Was the only response I gave him, no matter how much he asked.