13 :

I finally went to a tutoring session after the filing last night. It was the usual surprisingly. I got in , explained how I understood the summaries the teachers gave me as I pointed stuff I wasn't sure about, and he cleared them for me, he then assigned me some homework, which I did on his couch. He was he's usual nothing weird just his calm collected self , the exact same as he acted when he drove me home.

Now that I think of it , I still didn't apologize to his brother, so my next move was to ask,

" K, is your brother home?"

... I'm met with silence

" Kyle?" I know he doesn't have shit in his ears and I still raise my voice a notch.

" Hey, from earth to Kyle, respond please." I say annoyed since he still didn't reply .

" Is there a part you need my help with in your homework?" Was the only response I got.

"No, I'm good, but -"

" Then you don't need me." Was he mad at me? For what? Missing our session? I know for a fact he's not mad at me for Friday's . Then why the hell is he being such a sassy baka?

" I don't appreciate you tone" I pout .

" You'll get over it." That's when I get off the couch and headed over to him, I leaned down to face him, but all got was him ignoring my existence as he continued to type on his laptop.

How dare he play this game with me? He wants to play? I'll make him regret it.

I first pulled his chair back _ it didn't move_ then I got in his face_ to prevent him from looking at the screen, and since he can type without looking, I held both his hands in mine as I interlaced our fingers, I got my first reaction. A sigh.

I stared at him in a scary way_ or at least what I thought was scary_ as I tried to push his chair back with our interlaced fingers. I got a second reaction then. A glare.

I didn't break our eye contact, instead I humored him by giving him my best puppy eyes as I blinked profusely and finally that's when he chuckled.

I relaxed a bit then, and as my lower back started acting up, I couldn't help but sit on his lap_ it's not like I straddled him, relax, it was just my ass on his knees, a maybe a little above it_ I held his hands on each side of our faces, and waved it around like pompoms with a smile for good mesures.

" I'm sorry, if I upset you. I didn't mean to" I apologized as I jutted my bottom lip.

" Mony ... It's no problem. Forget it." He sighed as his smile dropped.

" Am I forgiven?"

" Sure. Why not?" He said half-heartedly.

" Kyle why were you madat me ?"

"... You didn't call to cancel.You always call. You're supposed to come after school. But you didn't and I was worried sick. I even called and texted you, you left me on read. Twice. Then you come and act as if nothing happened. Its frustrating. I know it's because Friday was a little awkward. But I thought we were past that shit!"

I did open my messages at dawn yesterday, then fell back asleep without reading them, which will explain this.

Still not an excuse, he's right. I should have warned him in advance, what am I? A highschooler? Why did I ignore him like that again? .... Right those wet dreams.

I need a boyfriend or at least an age appropriate crush as soon as possible.

I let go of his hand and I grabbed the sides of his face with my hands before I felt the spikes of his two day beard.

" It's not because of Friday.... I didn't feel like being anywhere in the past few days, but I had to go to school sadly. I forgot to text you. And I read those messages while I was asleep. Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you in the last couple days." I totally did but he can't know.

He held my wrist tight in his arms as he looked deeply in my eyes

" Promise to call next time?"

" Pinky." I say as I hold my pinky high, and we lock it.

We stay there gazing at each other when I hear a slight cough behind me.

I hurry getting off of him almost fainting from my head rush.

" Hey, you both. Having fun?" The brother asks as he tries to hide his smile.

I can't look at either of them, and I feel this crazy need to bolt and disappear from the Galaxy.

Why did I sit on his lap? Why didn't he push me off? Did I want him to push me off?

I'm not gonna think about how scary that last question was, or about the scarier answer I thought of.

".... Jake, this is Monica, my..." Did he hesitate to introduce me as a student just now, or am I going nuts?

" Yours indeed." His brother retorts.

" Hey, Jake... Sorry about the other day, didn't know it was you."I ignored his comment.

" Do you always jump on my brother's... Bed"

" JAKE!" Kyle couldn't let that slide I guess.

" What? It okay to have a good time? No need to feel ashamed. You're the big brother after all ."

" I'll break your fucking neck if you don't shut you mouth." He threatened as he got off the chair.

Now that's a first. I never seen Kyle that angry before.

" You won't. Mom will cry." Jake responded.

" ... You're made in doggy style." Was the last thing I thought Kyle would say, while smirking may I add.

Now Jake was running for the bathroom, mumbling something about "a warning at least."

Kyle turned to me, and as he saw my confused face he explained.

" I was 9 when I witnessed his making," as he pointed to the bathroom," ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER ," as he shouted I heard a gag from the same bathroom, then a hurling," it was a traumatic experience as a child to witness but growing up it was his weakness, it still disgust me, but it gets him like that, and instantly I win any argument." He whispered to me with a serious tone .

"I wonder why." I mumble as I die from laughter. Thank God I don't have sibling was the main thought in my brain and the second was," you're literally his villain origine." I was on the floor by then.




And that's another Friday at the Berg's

I slept today, binge-watch friends while crocheting a bikini top.

Good night.