Pyramid of Giza

"Welcome travelers! To the great and mystical land of Egypt!" A tour guide dressed in the typical attire â€" sandals, slacks, open-chest buttoned shirt, and a safari hat â€" spread his arms wide and addressed the crowd of tourists in front of him. 

"Today! I will take you all on the journey of a life-time!" 


"Not merely one life-time…" 

"As the wonders we will see today were built over the course of centuries!" 


In the crowd of over forty people, two distinct white patches stood out from the rest. 

A tall man with black hair and alabaster skin. His hair danced upon his head, long enough to be thrashed around by the wind. He wore brown slacks with a cream colored button-down and from his exposed chest â€" he appeared to be fond of tattoos. 

Next to him, a woman. Tall for her height, standing above the majority of other women present. She donned cherry-red hair with a white tank top and jeans and possessed skin just as pale as her partners yet hers was burning to a crisp. 

"How long is this idiot gonna talk for?!" Olive whisper-shouted towards Cain's ear. 

"Why are you asking me?!" Cain retorted, "I don't know what's going on!" 

The tour guide eventually pointed towards three trucks parked behind the gathered crowd. Following everyone else, Olive and Cain boarded one of the trucks â€" sitting in the truck's bed â€" and waited for further instruction. 

"Don't fall out!" The tour guide shouted. 

Then, the trucks accelerated and the guided tour began. 

First, they visited the various famous attractions found within the city limits of Cairo. The Egyptian Museum, the Cairo Tower, and a vendor street famous for producing souvenirs such as accessories, kitchenwares, and clothes. 

After concluding the portion of the tour dedicated to the capital city of Cairo, they drove south towards the ancient structures looming over the city's skyline. The Pyramid of Djoser was first on their agenda, a pyramid famous for being the first of its kind â€" in Egypt at least. 

Finally stepping off of the trucks, the tourists were given thirty minutes to walk around the archeological site and take pictures. Getting as close to the pyramid as he could get, Cain meticulously inspected the structure in search of slippery little Lost Souls. 

"Ooooo!" Olive commented. "Ahhhh!" 

Soon, the thirty minutes were up and they boarded the trucks once more. This time driving west, the tour guide excitedly stood on top of one of the moving trucks and yelled above the soaring winds. 

"AND NOW!" He roared. 


Approaching fast, the world renowned Pyramid of Giza along with the Sphinx grew clearer and clearer until eventually blocking out the sun above. Stopping in the shade, the tourists were granted one hour to explore the famous ruins. 

Cain and Olive surrounded the pyramids. They ran underneath the Sphinx and studied the very sand they stood upon. 

Still, however, they came up short. 

No Lost Souls to be found. 

Cain stepped in front of the Pyramid of Giza's entrance, a semi-collapsed section of the pyramid wall with a narrow corridor leading further into the ground. The entrance, unfortunately, was barred. 

"TEN MORE MINUTES!" The tour guide bellowed. 

Olive approached the apprehensive Cain. 

"You obviously wanna go in there…" Olive sighed, "so instead of blankly staring at it why don't we figure out how to." 

"I don't need to figure out how to. I can clearly see how to." Cain nodded towards the entrance. 

"No shit, Sherlock!" Olive rolled her eyes, "I meant how we can get in undetected!" 

Cain groaned. 

"They can't stop us." 

Olive pinched the ridge of her brow. 

"Good idea! Let's just piss off the entire country of Egypt!" 

"I could cover the area in darkness and then we cou â€"" 

"And recreate one of the ten plagues? No!" Olive shut it down. 


In silence, Olive and Cain stared at the pyramid. 

"Alright everybody! Time to get back on the trucks!" 

Running out of time, Cain looked around him. 

'They're not watching. They're not watching. They'll see us.' Cain ran through the eyes of everyone around him. 

'Not yet.' He reaffirmed. 

The tour guide came marching around the pyramid's corner, checking for any stragglers not on the trucks. 


Cain grabbed Olive's hand and exploded off the ground! 

A cloud of dust erupted where they stood, generated by the sheer force Cain applied into the sand. 

In one leap, Cain bulleted himself across the air and into the collapsed crevice adorned on the pyramid's edge. With Olive attached at the hip, her shoulder now dislocated, Cain slammed his fist into the wooden boards blocking the corridor's entrance. 

Before the dust cloud could settle, Cain slipped his body into the corridor and dragged Olive along with him. Sliding down a stone shaft, they eventually spit out into somewhat of a regular sized room encased in darkness. 

It was at this time that Olive collected her bearings. 


Cain quickly covered her mouth. 

"We're definitely not far enough away to be making all that noise." Cain shook his head. 

"Now hold still!" 

Cain released Olive's mouth and then immediately shot his hands to her shoulder. Moving faster than Olive could react, Cain twisted Olive's body and popped her shoulder back into place. 

Then, before she could scream, Cain had his hand back on her mouth. 

"MMMMM!!!!" Olive glared rage and fury within her eyes. 

A minute passed in both darkness and silence. 

Then ten. 

"I think we're safe." Cain released Olive and slouched down, finally able to relax. 

At the same time, Olive turned around and kicked Cain directly in the shin. Instead of Cain wailing in pain, however, Olive frantically grabbed her foot and dropped to the ground. 

"Come on â€"" Cain pushed himself off the wall and stepped over Olive, "we've got some grave robbing to do!" 


"Harder!" The voice of a woman sounded from the end of a hallway. 

"Don't stop!" Her moans continued. 

Admiral Adams stood in front of a white wooden door with three numbers printed in the center. Overhearing the contents from within the dorm room, the Admiral clicked his tongue and grabbed the university's master key that he acquired from the Vice-Dean. 

Unlocking the door, the Admiral brazenly stepped into the dorm room and prepared himself to give a lengthy speech about saving oneself, but when he looked towards the empty queen bed â€" he paused in confusion. 

"I'm-I'm gonna â€"" The unknown woman cried in euphoria. 

The Admiral noticed some movement from the corner of his eye. Directing his attention towards a sliding mirror, he recognized a barefoot dangling above his head. Looking up, the Admiral's gaze bore into the golden arse of Leon Drayton and on top of him, with her arms cradling the ceiling, an illuminated college chick. 

"LEON!" The Admiral shouted in his bootcamp instructor voice. 

Scared shitless, Leon's glow shattered and his nude figure fell from the ceiling, on top of the Admiral himself. 

Along with the random chick, of course. 

The Admiral pushed Leon's sweaty body off of himself before stumbling to his feet. 

He stared into the eyes of the nude girl. 

"Out!" The Admiral ordered. 


The woman rushed to grab her things and threw on a pair of underwear before narrowly escaping through the door. Meanwhile, Leon still lay on the floor â€" his jewels spread and appreciating the breeze. 

The Admiral picked up a likely dirty t-shirt from off the dorm room floor and threw it onto Leon's exposed body. 

Grumpily dressing himself, Leon turned his attention towards the Admiral. 

"What's up?" 

Adams tapped his foot in annoyance. 

"We made it very clear not to use your Abilities until we announce it first!" The Admiral barked. 

"It's been like three weeks!" Leon protested, "The timer is almost up! How long are you gonna take?!" 

"You don't get to ask questions right now!" The Admiral shouted, "And this isn't even why I came here!!" 

"Good! So forget about it!" 

Leon stormed to his bathroom and lifted the toilet lid. Pulling it out, he began to pee with the door wide open; still in the line of sight of the Admiral. 

"So then why are you here?" Leon asked mid release. 

"You lied to us." The Admiral turned his back to the overly-comfortable youth, "You lied to me!" 

"You're so dramatic…" Leon rolled his eyes and flushed, "So what did I lie about?" 

"Why didn't you report Olive's murder of Summer?" Adams' voice sharpened. 

"Okay! You caught me!" Leon put his arms up, "Congrats! But quite frankly, Summer was going to die anyway. She'd been poisoned. You should know that, I actually reported it." 

"You seem to be missing the point." Adams stepped closer, "I'm not concerned with the fact that Summer died. I'm concerned with the fact that you didn't report accurately!" 

"I promised her! Alright?!" Leon shouted. "Now get off my back!" 

"You think I give a shit you promised her?" 

A silver chain erupted from underneath Adams' sleeve and rapidly spun around Leon, locking him in place. The chain's spear-tip dug into Leon's neck. 

"Talk." The Admiral spoke calmly. 

Leon glared at the old man. He fought against the chains, but couldn't resist them in the slightest. 

"Now." Admiral pushed. 

The silver chain drew blood. 

"SHE HAD TO!! ALRIGHT?!" Leon screamed. 

"She had to what?" The Admiral mimicked with unnerving steadiness. 

"She had to kill her…" Leon mumbled, breaking his eye contact with the Admiral. 

"She has to kill someone she loves to summon Cain…" Leon spoke at a volume just above a whisper as if some part of him believed that the quieter he broke a promise, the softer it would break. 

Admiral Adams released Leon and dismissed his chain. Ignoring the coughing boy below him, the Admiral marched out of the dormitory and returned to the Vice-Dean's office. Then, he exited the university grounds just as quickly as he entered them. 

In a limousine headed towards the nearest airport, the Admiral pulled out his smartphone and made a phone call. 

A plan of his was brewing and the information he just obtained from Leon would be an excellent ingredient to add to his dish. 


Howdy there partner! Special thanks to WalkingBush, Romance_guy, and DevilGod_of_Chaos for the power stones! I appreciate you AND in the coming weeks I'm going to try and incentivize power stones, i.e. X amount of stones for an extra release — you know, typical WebNovel begging behavior. Anyhow, see you Monday!