Messa Village

Meldova, the shared continent of the humans and beastmen, located on the second floor of Skyline Tower- known for its trade routes and Foods.

When Meldova isn't being used for trades, It's usually used for guilds to go and have huge feasts in the Messa village citadels which has a huge open area with two straight tables, reaching to around 13ft long, these tables are filled with Meldovan foods when the citadel is booked.

I sit on the first floor of the "Green Claw Inn", a cheap inn that is used by travelling merchants that usually only stay one night - where I am served potato stew for breakfast.

Bandro was kind enough to book me a night at the same inn he and Cecilia spent the rest of the night in - waiting for the market to open back up so they could head back to their home.

Cecilia bursts open the inns doors.

"Here, unc told me to give you these" she says with her usual uninterested face

She tosses me, what I'd assume to be clothing and something harder hidden underneath it all.

"Thank you" I plainly say to her

"Thank my unc not me, I didn't pay for them"

"But you brought them to me, so thank you"

"Yeah, whatever - no problem" she says before walking back out of the inn and shutting the door behind her 

She is a very aloof character, I have a friend just like her, they usually aren't bad people, just don't know how to express themselves - either that, or they just don't care to.

I ask the inn keeper for the direction to the bathroom.

It's at the back of the inn on the second floor behind the six rooms, three on each side; inside the bathroom is a bucket big enough to fit an adult human male - filled with warm water, I'm guessing they prepared it for me.

Hot water is usually gained from a heated water factory where magic users will fill huge ravines inside the village with water where it is then heated with fire magic; the villagers will then fill their buckets with this water to use for baths etc.

I use bath and wash the dirt from my feet that I wasn't able to properly do that night before, minutes and minutes fly by as I rest my head over the buckets edge with my eyes closed; I wonder if my guild is still here or did they leave without me? no, they're probably out looking for me right now.

After about 30 minutes force myself out of the calming warmth of the bath and pat myself down with a towel; I put the clothes on that Bandro bought me.

The shirt basically the same as the one I had been wearing before, only difference is it is more of a yankees blue colour without the laces stitching the V neck shut, instead it's left exposed with the sleeves a lot more loose.

The pants are black tightened by two buttons latching onto two pegs on the further left side of the crotch area. 

The boots are a harder leather with support on the soles, tightened by 6 crosses of laces.

A black cloak with a dark leather padding on the shoulders and parts on the top parts of the hood.

I tuck the shirt into my pants and finish of the fit with a leathered belt with a silver buckle, it isn't a perfectly fitted belt, it hands down the left side of my pants a bit more than the right.

I pick up the cloak and keep it folded, carrying it in my right arm.

I make my way down to the first floor where i am greeted by Bandro and Cecilia, they sit at the table I was eating at.

"Mornin boyo, took your time - havin a quick tug eh?" He lets out a cartoonishly loud laugh

"Unc, mind your manners" Cecilia says with an annoyed tone

"Sorry sorry lassie" he wipes the tears from his eyes 

"Why're you still here? weren't you leaving for your home town?"

"you wanna get rid of us already boyo, ya hurtin my feelings"

"That's not what I meant" I say with flat eyes

"We're leavin soon, just waiting for the line to dumb down so I can make the last trade; Anyway, what're you goin to do here on out boyo?"

"I'll probably stay around here for a bit before I make my way back home"

"what were you doin out there alone if you not from this village? did they also nick your cart too or somethin?"

"Yeah, I was dropping off some cabbage to the market for my father, he was sick so he couldn't do it himself today" 

I feel a bit guilty lying so much to these people after how much they've helped me, but I have to protect myself, my identity.

"Must say boyo, now that you're all cleaned up and in the light you look familiar, you and your pops trade here often eh?"

"Traded here a few times then and there"

"Ah makes sense, must've seen you around then; might be old boyo but my memory is still top notch" he lets out another cartoonish laugh

That is when I feel a heaviness in my chest and the little red fox manifests from my chest.

we all jump back in surprise.

"long time no see mister" the little fox says

It's the same voice as that little phoenix, did it transform into a fox? I knew it had some sort of transfiguration ability because of the time it first appeared as the eight foot tall phoenix - but why choose the form a fox?

"Boyo" Bandro says with a deep menacing voice 

I look towards him confused on what changed his attitude, just when I'm about to respond he lightly punches me on the shoulder with his fist

"Why didn't you mention you were a beast tamer ya lil bugga" He enthusiastically says with a big smile

"Haha, I just didn't think it was that important" I say with an awkward laugh

Sol, the little fox jumps off of the table and twirls around Cecilia's legs snuggling into them, I see her eyes light up and her cheeks start to blush - It's the first time I've seen any sort of emotion other than boredom on her face.

"SOOOO CUTE" she says in a childlike voice while itching Sol's pointed fury cheeks

Bandro joins her itching Sol's back and then stomach as she rolls around on the floor.

"Your friends are soooo cool and useful" Sol says filled with giggles

Bandro and Cecilia cant hear Sol, probably best that way, I doubt they'd stay composed after seeing a fox speak.

"How are you here?"

"What do you mean how? we made a contract remember, I can come out whenever I please" Sol says with an upside down smile while enjoying the itching

"What I meant was, how are you able to just appear from my chest? do you live in it or something? is that why it felt heavy all of a sudden?"

"You're always so full of questions mister"

"Isn't it obvious I would be? I'm not a beast tamer, I'm not versed in the ways of a beast tamer, I don't know how this thing works"

"Well... the short answer is, I am now apart of your magic circuit, I'm not exactly sure the exact ways in which it works, but that's my understanding of it" Sol says while in euphoria from the itches

"Okay I guess that sort of makes sense; Can you stay out of me for as long as you want? if say so, I'd prefer you did"

"First of all, that was rude, and second of all, I think I can, I'm not sure, I only just figured out how to leave your system - I'm just as new to this as you are mister"

A group of three knight burst three the inns doors demanding the inn keeper to grab them some beer; Sol jumps up onto all fours and onto my table whilst Bandro and Cecilia move aside opening a path for the knights.

"Hey, they you little beast" a lanky knight says to Sol

He bends down to look at Sol which causes Sol to growl at him.

"Ooh such a scary little foxy" the knight says

the other knights behind him laughs whilst the lanky knight unsheathes his blade which then causes Cecilia to respond by unsheathing her own.

The other knights stop their laughter and go silent while glaring at her.

The lanky knight lets out a snicker, as if trying to prove he isn't threatened by the girl with a sword.

"I suggest you put that blade down little girl" the lanky knight says with a mocking smile

Bandro puts his hand on Cecilia's blade guiding it back down, as if trying to calm her.

"That's a good girl, shouldn't point blades at strangers, you might just get yourself hurt, lassie" he says again with the same mocking tone

"Let us be on our way lads"

Bandro says while nodding to me signaling me to follow him out from the inn.

"Smart choice listening to pops, little kiddies" the lanky knight replies with a smirk

That is when Cecilia spins around, unsheathes her sword and thrusts it forward, creating a spiraling beam of wind blasting the lanky knight off of his feet smashing into the inns tables and chairs.

the other knights stand straight shocked by her attack.

"W-wind magic" one of the chubbier knights replies