Clava Thessara Infinitas

Daniel was seated in a jumper in the hanger bay of the General Hammond, next to Daniel was Doctor Rodney mcKay, And colonel Samantha Carter , colonel John Shepherd spoke from the pilot seat" so any idea what we may find doctor Jackson? "

"My guess is as good as yours colonel ,the only thing I know for sure, is it is supposed to be the most advanced technology the Ancients had before they ascended" replied Daniel.

Dropping out of Hyperspace, The jumper exited the general Hammonds hangar Bay, and sped towards the coordinates.

Ten thousand kilometres from Pluto, a dwarf planet in our own solar system, the coordinates put this place in the centre of Pluto.

"Doc, you should start broadcasting the code.

Let's see if there's anything downthere ,we're getting close now "said Shepherd

Daniel began broadcasting the code, suddenly the jumper was no longer being piloted by John Shepherd, it was now being auto piloted.

Something down there on Pluto was guiding the jumper, directly to where it needed to be.

Speeding towards the rocky surface of Pluto, or what appeared to be the rocky surface of Pluto.

The jumper suddenly passed through a holographic barrier, and they could see that this was not a planet, but a man-made station, the size of the dwarf planet Pluto .

Pluto was no natural body, it was an artificial body.

"My God, what is this place" said mcKay

Passing through a powerful shield, the jumper came to rest in a docking bay, was designed for jumpers, as soon as the jumper came to rest, the rear hatch opened and as soon as the team exited the jumper, the facility sensing multiple carriers of the ATA gene, began coming to life lights turning on all over, lighting the facility up ,a door opened leading away from the jumper bay.

Having been set to slumber Shortly before the ancient ascended, now the facility was coming to life, for first time in thousands of years, the team made their way through the door, into what they thought was a control room .

As soon as the team entered the control room, a hologram appeared .

"Greetings I am Ex Nihilo the A I representing this facility .

I detected that you all have the A T A gene , but you are not Alteran , are you from Tera". Inquiried Ex Nihilo .

"Yes we are "replied Daniel

"The children of the Alterans you are most welcome hear" said Ex Nihilo.

"Your name Ex Nihilio it's ancient for creation from nothing I believe "said Daniel

"You are correct "said the AI

"My name is doctor Daniel Jackson this is Colonel Samantha Carta ,Doctor Rodney McKay and Colonel John Shepherd , please tell me what is the facility for" said Daniel.

"Gladly "said the charming AI he was a Hansom image of a tall middle aged man with bright green eyes dark brown hair with a worm welcoming smile , "it is a pleasure to serve.

I have many functions, as I am a ship yard and a research and development facility, for science and technology ,I am also the most comprehensive Repository of knowledge that the Alterans ever created .

I have detected an unknown ship" said the AI.

He displayed the general Hammond on a screen for all to see .

"That's our ship "stated Rodney.

"Would you like me to resume building? "asked Ex Nihilio .

"Ahh building what "said colonel Shepherd.

"Currently paused in the process of construction, are Ten Aurora class ships and two city ships "said the smiling AI.

"Well that's a definite yes "said both

Colonel Carter and Colonel Shepherd.

"We have to inform the SGC" said Colonel Carta.