The Phoenix

Passing through Ex Nihilos powerful shield, the Phoenix passed into the cold vacuum of space.

The Phoenix, the Tau'ri's new flagship was under the command of Colonel Carter,

Colonel Carters former command, the Hammond was currently in dry dock Undergoing a refit.

After being put forward for a command post and promotion to the rank of colonel,by colonel Carta, the command of the Hammond would now fall under the command of recently promoted colonel Jonathan Marks.

On the bridge of the Phoenix,stood Colonel Carta with a smile upon her face.

looking around the bridge of the ship she now commanded.

The Phoenix class was the most advanced ships even surpassing the technology of the Ancients Aurora class, and the Asgard O'Neill ships.

Much like the aurora class the inside of the ship was neatly finished, unlike the earlier Tau'ri ships the Prometheus, or the Deadalus class ships ,that had Visible pipes and fittings on the walls ,The Phoenix class did not ,and future Tau'ri ships would have the same level of detail as the new flagship, and all the current ships, would undergo a refit just like the Hammond was currently getting .

The Phoenix had been beautifully finished inside just like the Aurora class ships, no pipes or fittings could be seen,everything was hidden, this added to the image of a highly advanced design, that exuded power and technological superiority.

Having undergone intensive testing of all systems, from the new Merlin cloak a phase shifting cloak named in honor of its inventor, for his invention and his great sacrifice to bring about a means to defeat the ascended Ori, with the sangraal the device that eliminated all of the Ascended Ori .

The shields were more powerful than any before seen , more powerful than the O'Neill and the Aurora class ships .

The intergalactic hyperdrive was of a new design , combining knowledge of the Asgard, and the Ancients,the facility known as Ex Nihilo along with Doctor McKay and colonel Carta ,developed the most advanced Intergalactic hyperdrive.

The Shields and hyperdrive were Enhanced by 3 Zero point modules.

All Tau'ri vessels would be fitted with ZPM's.

The powerful weapons that the warship had at its disposal, were some of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, equipped with Ancient drone weapons.

aswell as Asgard plasma beam weapons, and ion cannons like those found on an O'Neill class ship, the Phoenix had anti fighter turrets Of ancient design, similar to those found on board Destiny.and rail guns.

Exiting from the ship yard was ten more of the Phoenix class ships.

Four ships would remain in the Milky Way galaxy, along side of the Phoenix .

The other five Ships would depart for the pegasus galaxy along with Atlantis .