The Ascended

Vis Uban once the intended jewel of the Alterans before they had ascended, the city had never been completed,and after thousands of years what had been the beginning of the most advanced city of the ancients had fallen into ruin.

Appearing in the city's main courtyard in a flash of white light ,was a group of ten ascended Ancients, they spread out across the ruined city, slowly a bright light came from each of the ascended spreading out over the city.

Suddenly the light disappeared as quickly as it came, and in its wake there was no longer a ruined city, the city had been transformed a complete city in pristine condition, was in the place of ruins.

Tall shining towers, domed buildings and arching bridges,which crossed over a gently flowing river,appeared where once stood ruins .

The ascended Alterans known as the Ancients, had built this city and would take corporal form ,to walk amongst their children the Tau'ri ,and educated them on the legacy they had bestowed upon them.

The Ancients would call Vis Uban there home world.

The Ancients had great hopes for the future, their children the Tau'ri , and the galaxy .

The place was set, now the time was almost upon them for a meeting of the five races.