
Two Weeks after the meeting of the Great Races, on Vis Uban many changes were occurring on Earth .

The Furling used their advanced technology and knowledge to remove all pollution from the world's oceans and rivers .

On the continent of Antarctica a large machine, the height of the Empire State Building in New York, was purifying the atmosphere removing all forms of pollution,this process would continue for sometime .

Eventually the effects of pollution on the world, since the industrial age began would be repaired,pollution from the atmosphere of the world and its water systems will be removed.

And the world would heal,all traces of micro plastics and garbage ,toxic waste and any other Pollutants that were in the Earth's oceans and water ways, would be removed by trillions of nano particles ,the nano particles were programmed, to turn the pollutants into something needed air water whatever was needed, for the restoration of the environment .

The nano particles would reduce the pollution into base elements, and create what was needed from them ,when they were finished cleaning the earth, the nano particles would settle on the bottom of the ocean or river beds,and become sand leaving no trace that they were ever there .

A new revolution of computer technology had hit the world ,the new computer systems that had been released to the public,it was a revolutionary breakthrough from computer chips,the new systems were quantum computers using crystal technology ,these computer systems had come from the Ancients and the Asgard, all this technology had been released through Companies such as IBM, Apple, and Microsoft, all had jumped on the bandwagon at the bequest of the governments of earth, that we're already privileged to know about the Stargate.

The power grid of the planet ,was about to switch over from nuclear power plants and coal fired power plants, to a system of linked Asgard nitro ion generators ,that were located around the world, this would provide all the clean energy that the world ever need .

Three weeks after the meeting at Vis Uban .

The governments of the world along with the religious leaders of the world, all met with the Asgard, the ascended Alteran, the Furling and Nox ambassadors ,along with the president of the United States Henry Hayes .

The truth of the origin of the human race was revealed, along with the history of the Stargate program the enemies that they had fought, and the wars won and the war that they were currently fighting in the Pegasus galaxy, against the Wraith ,and the troubles with the Lucian alliance in the Milky Way galaxy .

The ambassadors explained that the Earth needed to be unified ,and united under one government , all the governments of the world would make up the world government, or the Tau'ri high council as it would become known.

The Ascended Alterans insisted that this was required, before they would advance the Tau'ri genetically,so the knowledge of their people could be properly utilized.

This was due to what had occurred in their own history ,as a divided people the Alterans and the Ori split .

The Alterans ,along with the other great races did not want that to happen to the Tau'ri .

A vote was held amongst all the representatives of the governments aware of the Stargate program to date, an overwhelming majority vote was in favor of forming the United Democratic government, made up of each Prime Minister ,or president from their respective countries ,which would administer their respective countries and would be the ministers of the Tau'ri High council.

It would be voted upon who would be the president of the Tau'ri high council , the governing body of planet earth and the Tau'ri.

A vote had been taken amongst the governments as to who should be the president of the new government of the world.

Henry Hayes President of the United States, was overwhelmingly voted to become president of earth.

The United States had spearheaded the Stargate program, and had the most amount of experience ,with interstellar and intergalactic dealings,it was decided in the best interest of the people of the Tau'ri, that Henry Hayes Would be the president of the Tau'ri high council.

Full disclosure to the public would come in the next month, it would take time to have everything that would be needed to be in place,every effort to ensure the safety of the people before disclosure was made .

The hope was for a peaceful transition, from the world that people had known all their lives, to a new world of Aliens,and travel to other worlds ,ascended beings, and many many other truths that were previously unknown to the people of earth.