
The fleet dropped out of hyperspace, five hundred thousand kilometers away from the target , the fleet powered their Merlin cloaks and faze shifted .

The powerful sensors of the fleet scanned ahead .

The Wraith had not detected them .

The fleet moved into position closer to the planet, three hives and five cruisers were in protective formation of the planet.

Powerful Wrath energy weapons were on the facility aimed towards space, on the ground there was a garrison of Wraith soldiers, the facility was heavily guarded.

The Dreadnought was in position, all F302's were manned and powered up ,there cloaks active and weapons ready.

The order was given and the F302's of the Dreadnought left the carrier ,and lined up for an attack of the ground base.

The marines were beamed down to the surface of the planet, and then the fleet dropped their cloaks and raised shields, they opened fire on the hives and cruisers .

At the same time the F302's traveling at five times the speed of sound entered the atmosphere, and when they were in range they slowed to attack speed, and opened fire on the Wraith garrison below, and targeted the facilities energy weapons.

The wraith ships were quickly destroyed by overwhelming force .

The Wraith soldiers on the ground stood no chance, against the onslaught of fire power being delivered from the F302's.

The F302's unleashed a deadly rain of rail gun fire and energy weapons fire ,that tore through the Wraith decimating them in no time.

The Marines that had beamed down to the facility wore the new armored exoskeleton of the Tau'ri, the armor suits of the marines were a deep green .

The Marines fought their way into the facility killing any Wraith that they encountered.

The Wraith weapons had no effect against the armored suits of the Tau'ri marines .

Making their way deep inside the facility to the computer core , the marines placed explosives all around the computer core, and the power generators of the facility, and proceeded to download the information contained in the computer core.

The major leading the marines a battle hardened marine named Simon Blake.

With only a thought he used the subspace communicator in his helmet, to message the fleets flag ship the Excalibur .

" Excalibur this is major Blake the information has been recovered transmitting now "said Blake.

"Alright move out we blow this place on our way out, now move it "said Blake .

The marines all exited the facility, and killed any Wraith that they found alive on the way out .

Once clear of the facility the major pressed a button on the detonator device in his hand, and a series of loud explosions below ground could be heard ,as each explosive was detonated .

The marines were beamed aboard as the facility exploded .

The fleet then fired ancient drone weapons at the facility ensuring that nothing was left .

On the bridge of the Excalibur ,Fleet commander John Shepherd was smiling , at last we will have the Wraith on the run, this is only the beginning thought Shepherd to himself .

The F302's were recovered by the Dreadnought.

Then the fleet jumped back into hyperspace and returned to Atlantis ,the first of many strikes had been made against the Wraith.