The Lucian Alliance

On the world of the Ashen,the upgrades to the shields and weapons systems of the Lucian Alliance ships were now complete .

All the ships of the Lucian Alliance ,were now more powerful than anything the Goauld had at their disposal.

The Ashen were certain that they had provided their allies with the most advanced weaponry, that would bring about the defeat of the Tau'ri .

The Lucian Alliance had not received any information about the Tau'ri in months .

It was believed that the Tau'ri had found the spies that were hiding amongst them.

The Lucian Alliance was however aware, that the Free Jaffa Nation was on the brink of civil war ,the Lucian Alliance and the Ashen believed that given a push in the right direction, this would create chaos between the Tau'ri and the Jaffa weakening them, and the Lucian Alliance and the Ashen would take full advantage of the situation .

Biological weapons had been provided to the Lucian Alliance ,and with them they planned to spread Descent between the Jaffa and Tau'ri.

The Lucian Alliance would use these biological weapons ,against anybody that they thought by killing would create the most distrust and division, the more they could make it appear to be Jaffa against Jaffa, and Human against Jaffa ,or Jaffa against the Tau'ri ,the more their agenda to destroy the Jaffa and the Tau'ri would become reality.

Then the Lucian Alliance could come in ,and take what they believed was always their right to have, the technology of the Ancients

The ships would leave soon and the chaos would begin .

Keflin The leader of the Lucian Alliance , smiled to himself as he thought the days of the Tau'ri were numbered , while watching the ships be loaded with the final canisters of biological weaponry.