The Acturus project

Gin and Eli ,had been going through all the complex mathematical calculations of the Acturus project, they checked and rechecked everything .

The device had been built on Vis Uban, to the exact specifications of the Alteran head scientist Janus .

With every conceivable safety precaution in place, they were now ready to test the device .

" Eli would you like to be the one to turn on the Acturus device "? askedJanus.

Nervously, Eli approached the control panel. He looked at Gin and smiled, Eli activated the device that was set to to 25% output.

" All is holding well, the containment field is not fluctuating ,things are looking good ,ok time to ramp things up a little bit, take it to 50% "said Janus.

The containment field was holding at 50% no problems were occurring.

"Things are looking good "said Gin.

" Increase the output to 100%"said Janus.

The Acturus device was generating incredible amounts of energy, and was operating perfectly .

" we have done it ,and I could not be more pleased , I am proud of you both " said Janus .

Gin and Eli had smiles on their faces , the relief that the Acturus device functioned perfectly ,and had not caused the destruction that had occurred in past attempts ,was clearly evident .

" Eli and Gin do you know what this means for the Tau'ri "? asked Janus.

Shaking their heads ,Eli and Gin indicated that they didn't know what Janus was referring to.

" With the success of the Acturus device ,we can now miniaturize the device ,and it can be easily integrated into the ships of the fleet ,and wormhole Drive can be added to all the ships.

Now just like the city ships, the rest of the fleet would have the ability to operate a wormhole drive" explained Janus.

The information was passed on to the Tau'ri high council ,and the Alteran high council . Gin ,Eli and Janus would report to Ex Nihilo, and and begin implementing the device on all ships .

The Acturus device would also be available for planetary energy production .

The information would also be provided, to all member races of the five great races .