
In the former council chambers, of the Free Jaffa Nation, now the palace of the Emperor of the Jaffa Empire ,Boln'ac sat on his throne, he had been listening to reports all day, ranging from food distribution to tretonin and now he was listening to a report, on the situation with the Tau'ri, the attack on Earth was a failure, the ships had been destroyed, and the biological attack thwarted.

What he found even more disturbing ,was that three Hatak mother ships, had been deployed to a world, that Boln'ac had promised the Jaffa, would become a world of the Jaffa Empire.

Two of the three ships had been destroyed ,by a single new Tau'ri warship .

One ship had escaped, from the powerful Tau'ri warship.

What troubled Boln'ac the most, was the lack of information on the Tau'ri ,no one knew about the new warships, how many are there.

Just what did the Tau'ri commander ,mean when she said, she was the fleet commander for the Tau'ri in this galaxy, do the Tau'ri have ships in other galaxies, there were to many unknown things going on with the Tau'ri, and this unsettled him greatly.

Boln'ac was thinking how to make the Tau'ri suffer ,when he heard the next report, and a small smile formed on his lips .

A world that was once under the control of the system lord Yu, a world mostly populated with humans ,although there was a large population of Jaffa on the planet.

The world had been left to fend for itself ,after the fall of the system lords .

The world of Fenduran ,had not fallen to the Lucian Alliance.

The Jaffa Empire had appeared ,and the Jaffa population of Fenduran ,embraced the chance to rise above the humans on the planet, and take their place as Jaffa warriors of the Empire .

And with the help of the Jaffa already living on Fenduran ,the Empire of the Jaffa ,took the world of Fenduran with very little opposition .

This news brought Boln'ac a victory, one he would use to light the fire of the Jaffa ,it was time for the Empire to expand .