Destinys Mission

The Destiny had been upgraded and enhanced, the ship had completed its shake downs, and all systems were working perfectly.

Doctor Rush had been given the chance to continue the ship's mission, as a member of the science team, the science team would have some of the old crew members of Destiny, as well as some new crew members, some of them were Tau'ri ,and some we're not ,three Asgard scientist had joined the crew, as well as two Martians scientists,and two scientist of the Nox.

As well as Doctor Amanda Perry, or now Dr. Amanda Rush, after having married Dr. Nicholas Rush ,only days after their arrival back on earth ,the couple had gotten married .

The newly installed system of the Acturus device, the power supply that had successfully been installed throughout most of the Tau'ri fleets including Destiny, the device extracted zero point energy, from our own universe making it far more efficient and powerful ,than the Zero Point Module .

Eli Wallace and Ginn, would soon be joining the destiny crew in the continuation of her mission.

Eli had just about completed all of his tasks, with the installations of the Acturus device, throughout the fleets ,and soon he would be joining the crew of Destiny , on its journey through the super gate back to the planet Eden.

The Design of the Destiny, and the specific requirements of the mission, meant that the Destiny would only be able to use the Acturus device, to power and boost its sensors, shields and weapons , the zero point modules could power the engines in times of need. the engines could not be powered by the Acturus device, which was to powerful for the F T L drive engines to handle , the Destiny would still refuel in the corona of a star, to power its Improved FTL drive, unlike the rest of the Tau'ri fleet ,that used hyperdrive engines, that worked perfectly when powered by the Acturus device.

The Destiny would now be under the command of Colonel Steven Coldwell , the colonel had no family, and the the mission was perfect for him , he would be a part of the crew, that would undertake the mission,that could change their very understanding of the universe.

The Destiny along with the second half of the Ky'klos galaxy fleet, would be leaving the Milky Way Galaxy, for the Ky'klos galaxy through the super gate in a few days.