Attack on Atlantis

The Wraith fleet was on the move, ten cruisers were sent ,two to each of the five worlds that would be attacked from orbit, while the rest of the wraith fleet would attack Atlantis .

Ground troops were ready to be deployed through the Stargates, and attack two more worlds, this would be the distraction the Wraith needed , this would split the Tau'ri fleet and ensure victory for the Wraith .

The Empress was on her hive ship ,she would command from the battle ,her presence alone would ensure that her fleet would fight to the last wraith.

"We will be at Atlantis in two hours , send the ground troops in now .

I want the cruisers to begin their attacks, and inform the fleet, we attack the moment we come in range of Atlantis "said the Empress.

The Empress was confident in the upgraded shields and weapons ,which her new fleet had been given .

The ships hull's of the new wraith fleet, had Naquada incorporated in the growth process, this made for a more resilient thicker hull, all of the cruisers and hive ships were grown this way, and it was now possible for the wraith ships to generate a energy shield around their ships, similar to the shields used by other races, only not as powerful as the shields of the Asgard or Tau'ri ships.

This enabled the wraith to travel in hyperspace longer, and the ship would recover from the damage caused by subspace in far less time .

The weapons were more powerful ,and could fire at a faster rate, than the weapon systems on previous versions of Wraith ships were capable of.

In the tower of Atlantis ,Richard Worsley was watching the slow advance of the Wraith fleet, the powerful sensors of Atlantis had picked up the enemy fleet ,and the Tau'ri were well aware that the wraith had ships in orbit of five different worlds ,it was apparent to the Tau'ri that the wraith were trying to split the fleet .

It had been noticed that the wraith ships were moving quicker than they thought possible .

Somehow the wraith had improved their ships.

The Stargate activated ,and a message was received that Wraith soldiers were attacking on two worlds , quickly the Tau'ri sent their own highly trained soldiers through the gates, to deal with the enemy soldiers of the wraith .

In response to the wraith orbital attacks on human worlds, a Deaduleas clas and Aurora class ship was sent to each planet,that was under attack from the Wraith .

The Wraith while confident in their new fleet, had underestimated the strength and numbers of Tau'ri.

The Wraith dropped out of hyperspace, and immediately began firing on Atlantis.

The cloaked defense satellites activated, dropped their cloaks, and began firing at the wraith fleet.

F302's were launched from the two Titan class carrier ships, and the Tau'ri fleet engaged with the Wraith .

The battle over Atlantis had begun .