The Fall of the Jaffa

The Jaffa on board the motherships had never seen ships like what was coming towards them before ,two massive city ships the Lyonesse and Xanadu, a Titan carrier ship, two Phoenix and two Aroura class warships, and two Deadalus battleships all opened fire with drone weapons and Asgard beam weapons .

" All F302's drop cloaks now " said Samantha.

Hundreds of F302's ,suddenly appeared from nowhere and began to attack the Jaffa ships ,some engaging with death glider's, others attacking the motherships, B302's following their F302 escorts, headed straight to the surface of Dakara .

The city ships fired drones at the enemy ships, as they entered the atmosphere of Dakara ,the Jaffa fleet of thirty ships had been reduced to thirteen ships, the people on board the Jaffa ships felt fear like they had never experienced before , the weapons of the Jaffa were no match for the powerful shields of the Tau'ri , Deadalus battleships weaved between the motherships, firing drones and Asgard plasma beam weapons, as they passed between the enemy ships ,

The F302's and B302's entered the atmosphere and began to rain hell down on the Jaffa , B302's began bombing the military facilities and shipyard's, ground to air defense towers were targeted and bombed .

Over the mountains the city of Xanadu hung in the air ,and above the palace itself hanging in the air was the city of Lyonesse ,the shadow cast from the city ship ,made the city of Dakara dark as night as the sun was blocked from the sky .

" All remaining Jaffa ships, power down your weapons and shields , prepare to be boarded, or be destroyed " said Samantha Carta.

The remaining Jaffa ships powered down and surrendered .

On the ground, troops had beamed down and marched towards the Jaffa , the Jaffa warriors fired staff weapons at the advancing Tau'ri soldiers, the energy weapons had no effect against the shields ,of the armored exo suits of the Tau'ri soldiers.

Some Jaffa warriors attempted to fight with knives ,or hand to hand against the Tau'ri, only to find that the enemy soldiers were faster and stronger than any Jaffa ,the Tau'ri were not the weak enemy that they had believed them to be ,in fact the Tau'ri were superior soldiers to any that the Jaffa had ever fought against , city ship Xanadu hovering over the city of blasted out loud music for a psychological effect on the enemy,the AC/DC song thunderstruck played as F302's, rained rail gun fire and anti personal missiles down on their enemy ,driving the Jaffa towards the advancing Tau'ri soldiers , teams of special forces soldiers from the city ship Xanadu ,were beamed into the palace grounds,and soldiers were beamed into the city streets of Dakara , the fear could be felt in the air ,the Jaffa had never fought a war like this before ,the Jaffa had mainly fought against other Jaffa ,or less advanced humans on worlds the Goauld wished to conquer, the Tau'ri were on a level that was way beyond the experience of the Jaffa .

Boln'ac was in panic ,he and his commanders knew that if they were captured they would be put on trial ,and the Jaffa people would demand that they be executed.

The Tau'ri special forces moved quickly through the palace, they quickly killed anyone who tried to attack or stop them ,as they went room by room, they were looking for the Emperor and the leaders of the Jaffa Empire.

The soldiers in the city streets targeted Jaffa warriors who were inside the city ,as the soldiers outside the city advanced on the Jaffa, who were being pushed toward the Tau'ri ,the Jaffa were between the hammer and the anvil ,the Jaffa warriors were being slaughtered they could not retreat ,the F302's would not stop coming ,attack run after attack run ,they could not escape it was fight or surrender, of the twenty five thousand Jaffa soldiers who were based on Dakara ,their numbers had decreased dramatically ,at least ten thousand Jaffa had been killed , the Jaffa warriors knew that they had no chance of victory, and many began to throw down their weapons and raise their arms in surrender .

The thirteen motherships that remained, had all surrendered ,Dakara had fallen to the Tau'ri , inside the palace the special forces lead by Colonel Matthew Johnson, entered the Emperor chambers , lying dead on the floor was Boln'ac and his government, they had all taken their own lives rather than be taken prisoner .

The Jaffa Empire had come to an abrupt end.