Skill evolution (Bonus chapter)

This bonus chapter was made possible by your golden tickets CHRIS2169XP, Vio_Zero, Kalgarth, and the newcomer Zefrax_the_reader. I hope you enjoy this and continue to support me in the future.

Also, I had asked that if the readers find the content in the previous chapter offensive but since no comments were made about that, I would be leaving it as is. However, if you want, let me know anytime and I can replace it with another scenario.

That's it. Enjoy!


Chapter 76

The embarrassing part was giving the potion to this old man. He looked at me skeptically like he was looking at a scam artist.

I didn't speak and let Heim do all the talking. "How about we make sure of the effects by hiring an appraiser?"

Heim's suggestion was accepted and an appraiser was hired even though they are usually very expensive.