Element of death

Chapter 122

I sidestepped to dodge an attack from a bandit. Considering his rank, he should have been able to contend against me but he was too afraid. All of them were. Some even called me a monster, inhumane, and many more censored words. Nothing I had never heard before.

Some begged me to have mercy while some even prayed to the gods if there were any out there. But these people didn't deserve mercy. Even from me, a kind-hearted person who forgives before he enacts punishment.


[That's a bit too much]

Okay, that might have been a bit too much but you understand the essence. You understand when I move to the side and shoot 'magic canons' to his crotch. You understand when I use 'Eclipse to take some of their sensations away and use the inferior form to decay some of their body parts and watch them seethe in pain and turn to religion when all their lives they had done nothing but sins.

[I do understand]