Do Not Read

Chapter 251

"Last night, the CSF database was hacked and resources inform that all the data they had has been erased." A TV reporter spoke on the TV while the CSF was in turmoil.

"Damn it. How did they get the news? What inside resources is she talking about?" A middle aged man asked another middle aged man who seemed to be standing with cold sweat flowing down his back.

"We are sure that the leak wasn't form us, Major. Whoever did this must be from the outside." Tae Song, a lieutenant in the CSF said.

"Must be?" The major, however, didn't like that news, "So you're saying you're not sure where this came from? Where that virus came from?! Where this leak came from?!! Where all this mess came from?!!!"

Tae Song closed his eyes, feeling a little threatened because the Major was unconsciously leaking his Qi which was too much for a Qi manifestation realm cultivator like Tae Song.