This is the room in the videos. I couldn't believe it this is where I had watch my mother get defiled, there is at let ten women in the with with us. Each one of them are ready to make me a perk of my Father's collection of film. I want to fight against this. I know it will be the betterment for me, I slowly started taking off my clothes. I should be very cautious of my actions in front of my Father. I'm willing to do anything to make my father happy, I just want him to accept me as a successor of him. I women started to runt their hands all over my body. Their hands were ice cold, their voices started to link up. " You must a fighter. I wonder how rough you like it?, cause I loved it rough.". So after that I woke up in my room. How did I do?, maybe I done a good job of pleasing them all. Probably a good enough job that my father would be proud of me. Well I can't focus on that forever. I have to keep on training, I need more ideas of training. My hips are in pain of constant twisting of them. I still don't understand why I started training my hips. I haven't even thrown a single kick yet, or punch. I'm starting to enjoy the pain. I could be going insane, regardless of how I'm feeling. I know someone who could help me with training. I don't think he wants to help, his insight on fighting is on another planet than mine. He is the greatest ever to fight. Some even call him untouchable, it still doesn't make any sense why he quit during his prime. Is it really all cause of me. I started punching the door that opens to the hallway. My only exit out of this place, I don't want to leave though. I want to grow, learn from the monster. I keep on punching. Blood started to flow from my hands onto the floor, the bones piercing through my skin. I didn't feel the pain. I liked hearing the sounds that came from my punches, with each punch the sound became more clear. The sound was as if I was a dog to their food bowl. Hearing footsteps approaching the door, I increased my speed. I started to run out of breathe, I can't stop not now. The man who can teach me to become a better individual is approaching. The door slightly opened. The Father kicked the door, I went flying back on the concrete floor. While trying to stand back up that's when I realized my bones were scraping the concrete. His voice pulled me up." Well look at you. I'm very impressed, you are so dumb. Now how are you going to train now?!, I'm not going to call the hospital. But I will give you a treat. Seeing how your are showing improvements, I will allow you to pick three of my matches to watch. You can ask anything while they play. Also for now I will double the amount of food I'll give you. Here are you three selections. Stand up, grappling, defense. Each of these are every important to every fighter, if I was you seeing how you are still badly hurt with your fist. I would could defense or maybe grappling. It's up to you, you have shown determination. That is what I was looking for in you.". It took me a while to understand what was happening. Without hesitation. " Stand up Master!.". Putting my fist in his face blood splatter onto his forehead, he started laughing. " Mine you dumb. Son how you expect to learn stand up with you fist In Their condition. You know defense is also I good offense". I took a look around my training area/home, maybe he is right about me not being in the best condition to learn stand up. While holding my hands on my lap. " Cause I'm too weak for both defense, and grappling. If I was to learn how to grapple. I would have the strength to pull someone my size or bigger than me, for defense I can learn that also from your fights. Seeing how you were the best at both offense and defense, there is no reason to learn that. That would be wasting this opportunity from you.". He pulled me in hugging me with more passion than I'm use to. Walked out of my room. Down the halls were I figured that he had dragged me after the events of last night. We both entered his room, showed me a collection of all his fights. * You may be wondering why I keep all my fights even the ones of amateur people. It's cause even I need to learn how to become better. Let's see you wanted to learn to become better at stand up right. I have several ones to choose from but I'll chose my most impressive one.". It must have took him at least five minutes to pick out a match to watch, if he was such a great fighter then why take so long to pick out one match. The tape he grabbed was covered in dust top left row on the shelf. While blowing off dust." Ah. Ye s I remember this, even now me and Williams are still good friends. Son this match was the only one I was actually afraid of my opponent, cause he was better than me. I was dumbfounded. Fueled by rage. " What the fuck you mean he was better?!, after my words my Father smacked me across the face. He sat down the bed. Pouting like a child had stolen his lollipop." Take a seat son.". I followed his instructions. " He was prodigal in the fighting world. He had two black belts, one in Muay Thai. One In kickboxing, also had a brown belt in taekwondo. So naturally he was a better stand up than I ever did.".