
'Step, Step'

A hurried echo of footsteps resonated through the strange, elongated hallway...

A group of workers, engrossed in their tasks, paused to catch a glimpse of a... White-haired man, moving with a blend of haste and urgency.... more of a hurried walk, yet a semblance of a run. Their eyes followed him, and whispers floated among them, creating a subtle undertone of curiosity.

'Fuck!, Fuck!, Fuck!....' Aether screamed inwardly while attempting to flee, but for some unknown reason, his progress was hindered. It was as if an invisible force sought to thwart his escape.

Upon emerging from the Velc's room, he resolved to leave... displaying a nonchalant demeanour.

Yes, he was not the least bit frightened at the prospect of encountering that Sea Horse again....

His running wasn't fueled by fear..... That was definitely certain.... Believe him, He didn't have any fear, not even a shred.

"Fuck! This Body!" Aether exclaimed, gasping for breath. The strain on his physical form was evident, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, yet his determination overshadowed the physical toll.


Ignoring the pain coursing through his body, he surveyed the people around him, clad in work attire, in stark contrast to his sack, they wore costly maid and butler dresses.

'Sure enough, this was definitely not my country!' he thought. The realization struck him like a revelation, a stark contrast to the familiarity of his own surroundings.

Although his inner 'weeb' found the situation intriguing and told him 'that' was 'Real', the 'Mature' side of him told the rational, reasonable and realistic.... possibilities.

The people in his vicinity paid him no heed. As if wrapped in their own worlds, they remained oblivious to the drama unfolding within his reality.

Eventually, he spotted a glimmer of exit. The sight of freedom beckoned to him like a distant oasis in the desert, fueling his determination to escape the enigma surrounding him.

With all his might, he attempted to sprint, though, to onlookers, it seemed more like a determined jog. His every step echoed with a sense of urgency... an urgency that he wanted to know.

As he emerged, what awaited him was,


Aether stood frozen, his eyes widening at the unexpected sight before him...

It wasn't the outside world that startled him, but rather the presence of a massive gate situated at a 'considerable' distance. The details were blurry, visible only when he squinted against the vastness between them...

His attention shifted downward to his trembling legs, on the brink of giving out at any moment. The sack dress he wore clung uncomfortably to his fatigued form, each step a testament to the physical toll of his escape.


Aether gasped for breath, he felt his spinning in a tornado... as desperately scanned for a nearby wall to lean on.

Finding support, he gradually lowered his body and settled into a seated position. After a few minutes of much-needed rest, he squinted his eyes again, acknowledging the formidable distance that lay ahead.

"Yep, it's really a long way!" he muttered under his breath, a realization that settled in with a touch of resignation.

Taking a moment to survey his surroundings, Aether nodded in understanding.


The vast yard and the imposing mansion hinted at a privileged and opulent environment, 'It seems I am in a big shot's house' he thought, the revelation adding a layer of complexity to his predicament.

Slowly standing, he embarked on the long journey towards the gate, each step a deliberate effort.

The passage of time was marked by sweat-soaked determination, and the physical toll manifested in the way he held his knees, aching from the exertion.

"Ha-ha..." Aether exhaled audibly, the pain evident in his weary posture.

"OI, What are you doing here?" An armour-clad man, stationed as a guard near the gate, inquired with an amusing smile, noting Aether's dishevelled appearance.

"Ha-Ha... I was asked to buy a few things!" Aether replied, attempting to mask his exhaustion with a casual demeanour.

"Buy? You?" The guard's amusement lingered, sceptical of Aether's explanation.

"What? Is it wrong?" Aether retorted, his tone challenging.

Instead of answering directly, the guard smiled and playfully suggested, "Should I ask the Master to verify that?"


"Go Inside!!"

"Ahem-Ahem... I see around" Aether said, deciding it was prudent to retreat from the gate and any potential probing questions.

'Looks like he really forgets everything' the guard observed, watching Aether depart then beats of sweat appeared on his forehead,

'Hope they didn't know I was the one who hit his head!!' The guard trembled.

He was the guy who struck Aether's head upon his escape from near death. If Velc knew he was the one responsible for Aether's memory then.... The guard's hand trembled in fear.

While the guard was contemplating a change in his job, Aether strolled into the yard, his gaze fixed on the immense marbled mansion that towered before him.

Its grandeur surpassed even the President's Office he had seen on television.

'It was worth a try....' he thought as he glanced back at the gate which was guarded by the armed guard... 

He looked up at the sky and his eyes lingered in the sky for a few minutes before sighing

"Looks like I really have to face reality..." he mumbled.

After a moment's reflection, his 'Weeb' side won in the ongoing internal struggle.

There was no sun in the sky, and yet, the surroundings were bathed in an otherworldly illumination.... that means...

'Did I really Isekaid?' He wondered as a realization dawned on him. An amusing smile played on his lips as he contemplated the fantastical turn his life had taken.

What's more, he didn't seem to be surprised or even had any kind of overreaction...

'I wonder, why?' He pondered surely anyone at least show some reaction outside and yet, Aether maintained a calm nature.... as if he didn't care.

'Well, I guess.... Maybe I had been unconsciously thinking and yet I was stubborn to accept the reality..?' He thought with a doubtful gaze.

Just as he continued his exploration of the yard, a voice interrupted his thoughts.


A cute voice snapped him out of his contemplation. Turning around, he saw a bluish-black haired girl approaching him.

"What?" Aether said, his tone unintentionally brusque.

The girl frowned, clearly displeased with the lack of respect in his tone.

Her captivating blue eyes held an undeniable charm, complemented by bluish-black hair subtly accented with shades of blue. She was dressed in a combination of a pristine white shirt and a stylish black skirt.

'Ah, I saw this girl with that man... his daughter, right?' Aether thought, recalling a connection.

"What happened to you?" she asked as she stood before him.

"What do you mean?" Aether replied, feigning ignorance. Seeing her speaking to him, he wondered whether Ether and She had some weird relations....

She squinted her eyes, then remarked, "I heard you had memory loss."

"...Yes," Aether nodded, inwardly cursing the old man for spreading the news so quickly...

'Damn that old man already spread the news... ah!!'

"Hmmm... that's the reason... ah," she mumbled something to herself before abruptly exclaiming,



Aether suddenly felt a sharp impact on his stomach. He crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain, 'Damn it!'

Looking up, he shot an angry glare at the girl.

"Hmm.." The girl, seemingly unfazed by the scene, nodded before walking away.

"That Shit!" Aether cursed at the girl and slowly stood up, his hand clutching his aching stomach. Expecting the worst, he gingerly probed the area, half-expecting to find a hole, but to his relief, there was none.

Sighing in both pain and frustration, he fixed his gaze on the retreating figure of the girl who had assaulted him. Without a second thought, he ran towards her, each step resonating with determination.

'Step, Step..'

Hearing the approaching footsteps, the girl turned in surprise as Aether closed the distance.

Aether, despite having a sense of justice when it came to aiding women, was also a firm believer in gender equality.

With a sudden burst of indignation, he exclaimed,

"Take that!" and landed a retaliatory hit in the same spot where she had struck him.


"Crack, Crack"

"Aarrhhh---" Aether hurriedly stifled his scream, gritting his teeth and swallowing the pain.

His hands trembled from the impact, but he managed to control his emotions. The urge to scream was strong, but his pride prevented him from succumbing.... even though it had been shattered on numerous occasions.

The girl, unfazed by the retaliation, simply patted her stomach and regarded Aether with a smiling face that caused his heart to skip a beat.


"You are not the weak boy I know...." she said, her words echoing with a mysterious understanding.

And soon,


Aether collapsed to the ground, his body unable to withstand the accumulated strain.

The wounds he had incurred were taking their toll, and he had pushed himself to the limit by running around and getting hurt again.

Just as he loses consciousness...

And it was then, that a familiar sound resonated in his mind.
