Sliver Star...

"Why are you following me?" Stella's voice was tinged with a mix of confusion and concern as she furrowed her brows, observing Aether trailing behind her like chicks obediently following their mother hen.

"I'm following you because you're the only way I can get out of here without risking harm," Aether explained, his expression awkward as he scratched his head. "If you feel insecure, I'll leave you alone." Although he said it, he wasn't sure what action to take next.

As for the mission... well, the whole idea of seducing her felt like a distant fantasy already and now it was clouded by the reality of their situation.

Hearing his awkward and serious tone, Stella let out a resigned sigh, her features softening slightly as she shook her head in understanding. "Well, I'm also sorry for getting all worked up," she admitted, her tone tinged with a hint of shamefulness since it should be her who should framed her words correctly.