Save her at any cost

"Cough, cough"

Aether spluttered, his chest heaving with the effort as he expelled blood from his lungs. His hazy eyes fixated on the gaping void where his left arm used to be, a trail of crimson staining the ground beneath him.

'Drip, drip'

Blood continued to ooze from the severed stump, a stark reminder of the brutality they had just faced.

"A-Aether!" Stella's voice trembled with fear and urgency as she rushed towards him, her hands trembling as she clutched the severed arm that had once belonged to him.

"You really are something, aren't you?" Blake's cold voice sliced through the air like a knife as he loomed over them, a malicious grin twisting his features.

Stella let out a pained cry as Blake seized her by the hair, his grip cruel and unyielding.