I hate her...

Aether himself wasn't entirely sure how he had survived the blast.

The last thing he remembered was a blinding light, and then... Pain.

A Horrible Pain!!!

All he could recall was the searing agony that coursed through every fibre of his being, engulfing him in a relentless inferno of torment. It was as if his very essence had been consumed by the flames, leaving nothing but raw, unyielding suffering in its wake.

And then... Nothing.

A Nothingness!!!

Yes, after that, he couldn't feel anything. It was as if he had been plunged into a void of numbness, a state of existence where sensation ceased to exist. He was suspended in a limbo between life and death, trapped in a realm of emptiness where time seemed to stand still.

It was a sensation eerily reminiscent of his first death, a haunting echo of the void that had claimed him once before.

And yet, here he was, defying the odds and staring defiantly at the bewildered onlookers...