Love is pouring out like a broken dam

"Take her to the infirmary," the Principal ordered firmly as she meticulously inspected Aria's wounded body.

The middle-aged professor stepped forward with a concerned expression, ready to offer support to Aria. However, she swiftly swatted his hand away, determined to make her own way to the Infirmary without assistance.

Aether, intrigued by the unfolding scene, observed the middle-aged professor, noting the distinct Elvish features that hinted at a possible relation between them, 'Maybe they are related,' he mused inwardly.

"I trust you all have learned a valuable lesson today and will bear in mind the importance of punctuality in the future... Now disperse!" the Principal stated solemnly, her tone carrying a weight of authority.

A collective nod rippled through the group as they began dispersing, each taking away the lesson in their own way.