Don't underestimate the Girls Part-3

A Few Minutes Earlier,

A distance longer than where Aether and his group were standing...

"Looks like those guys moved on their own to impress their Grace, only to mess up this much..." a black-haired man mumbled with an amused expression as he stood on the roof of a tall building, overlooking the chaotic scene below.

"Though Master predicted this, to think the trio was able to defeat the group... Interesting... Anyhow, I shall finish my duty," he said, positioning a sniper-like gun in his hands, the cold metal glinting under the light sky.

"What a mysterious artifact..." he muttered, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he marked his target... Aether.

"Should I kill him? He seems more dangerous than the others.... He even interrupted my master's plan to kill Aria Zephyr on his first day... hmm..." The man pondered for a second, his finger hovering over the trigger before deciding,