Aria Zephyr's Heart Captured!

A minute earlier,

When Aria slammed into the thick trunks of the trees, she lowered her head, feeling a mixture of frustration and sorrow.

'Why?' She wondered aloud, not about Aether, but about herself. The question gnawed at her mind, demanding an answer.

She questioned why she always held back, why she never gave her all in any situation.

If she used her Arcane Card, she knew without a doubt she could defeat Kaelen. She had the power within her grasp, yet something always restrained her, holding her back like invisible chains... something she feared more than anything else.

No, it wasn't Alaric... well, maybe a little.

Maybe she feared being alone again, lost in the vast emptiness of the palace where silence echoed through the halls like a haunting melody!

Maybe she feared the what would happen to her tribe!

But more importantly, she feared using... the Arcane Card!