Finished Quick?

"Okay, students, now we are going to have a little sparring," Alaric announced as he looked at the students, his eyes lingering on Victor, who had an air of nonchalance. 

Everyone nodded and followed Alaric, their footsteps echoing in the spacious corridor.

Victor walked alone, his isolation a stark contrast to the groups of friends chatting excitedly around him. His aloof demeanour made him quite unapproachable.



Victor gulped inwardly and wondered why Selene was staring at him as if she were seeing through his disguise., 'What's wrong with her?' he thought, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. Her penetrating gaze made him uneasy as if she knew more about him than she should.

Soon, they arrived at the common training hall for the students, which looked more like a stadium than a hall, with high ceilings and bleachers surrounding the sparring platforms.