Hope Aether is alive

Aether arrived at his servant dormitory with a mix of happiness and relief, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders..... Selene, on the other hand, had been reluctant to part with him. In truth, she hadn't wanted him to leave the room at all. She had locked the door tightly, her eyes pleading with him to stay. It took a considerable amount of coaxing, gentle words, and promises before Aether was able to persuade her to let him go.

"I think in order to deal with a yandere, you need to be a yandere," Aether mused, his face adopting a profound expression as he reflected on the earlier events. With this thought lingering in his mind, he finally entered his room.

Aether saw Celestia lying peacefully on her bed, lost in her dreams. He paused for a moment, watching her serene expression, before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.