Before the Duel!

Those words and scripts looked eerily similar to those from Earth. Even the technologies described within mirrored those he had witnessed in his previous world, almost down to the smallest detail.

This unsettling resemblance sent Aether's mind spinning...

'Does that mean people from Earth came here?' Aether pondered, his brow furrowing deeper with each passing thought as he delved further into the book.

If he had come here, then it stood to reason that others could have as well, right?

However, a disconcerting issue arose when he tried to read the book to Aria. She couldn't comprehend it, as if Aether were speaking a foreign language entirely different from their own.

"What is happening?" Aether's confusion was evident in his furrowed brow and the perplexed tone of his voice. Despite speaking in his native tongue, she could understand his speech but not the words he read from the book.