I know you said I shouldn't do this, but...

"If you grant me the chance to fight you, I swear I will never disturb the high-elf tribe until my last breath!" Liora declared with unyielding determination, her voice resonating through everywhere.... as if her previous comment was nothing.

"Aether, do a--" Aria began to shout, but Maelona swiftly interrupted her, placing a gentle yet firm hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Let him decide."

"B-But Mother--"

"Dear, let him grow," Maelona insisted, her eyes conveying both strength and wisdom. Aria pouted but reluctantly sank back into her seat, her expression a mix of frustration and concern.

"Elder Liora! What is the meaning of this?" one of the Darkfang's tribe in the audience demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of outrage and fear.

"How can you possibly say such reckless words?"

"Don't you care about your tribe?"