It’s getting messy...

Victor led Kenley and her friends down the deserted corridor, its cold, empty silence amplifying their footsteps. Ashara, shadowing them, kept her eyes darting between Victor and the group, her concern palpable.


Kenley and her friends, emboldened by Victor's composed demeanour, attempted to make their move. Kenley, ever so forward, reached out to touch him. Yet, Ashara was quick to intervene again, her voice firm and protective, "I've told you before, he doesn't like others touching him."

Kenley's frustration was palpable as she gritted her teeth, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and defiance. She wanted to lash out but found herself restrained by Victor's unwavering gaze. With a huff, she said, "Anyhow, I heard that girl, Kyra, falsely accused my uncle."

Victor's brows furrowed, "Uncle?"