Getting even Creepier


"Hehe---" Victor's eerie chuckle abruptly stopped as he turned around, his eyes scanning the room for the source of the noise.

A sense of unease crept over him, and he swallowed hard, 'I-I am alone, right?' he thought, feeling the weight of the silence pressing in around him.

He glanced at Snowflake, who had been sleeping peacefully on his neck, suddenly awakened and was now staring intently at a particular corner, her small brows furrowed in suspicion.

Victor's heart rate quickened. To be honest, he had never been one to fear ghosts or other paranormal phenomena... until now.

The Academy's ghost stories had always seemed like just that.... stories. But this eerie silence, combined with the unsettling happenings, was beginning to get to him.

He started moving cautiously towards the source of the sound.