You Monster!!

Selene walked away.

She was holding something back, something dangerous...

Selene was indeed trying her best not to kill Helena.

The thought of her beloved fueled every dark impulse within her, and she would do anything.... anything.... to protect what was hers, even if meant getting another girl!!

Finnian watched her retreat, a sense of unease settling in his gut. He then turned his gaze to Helena, who was still sitting there, her face pale and her hands trembling slightly. "You need to stay away from them," Finnian said, his voice low but firm. "Those people are not good for you."


Victor was fully immersed in the intricacies of the tool before him, his mind absorbed in the complexity of the technology he was working on.

His fingers moved deftly, adjusting the microscope's settings with precision. The world around him seemed to fade away, leaving only the device and the challenge it presented.