Everyone go... PUFFF!

When Aether was enjoying his date with Delphine...

Meanwhile, in the academy,

"Arrrhhh!" A piercing scream echoed through the halls, sending chills down everyone's spine.

"P-Please stop!!" another voice cried out, trembling with sheer terror.

"KYAAAAAA!!" A girl's scream was filled with a primal fear that made others' blood run cold.

"What the hell was that!!!"

Students shouted in fear, scattering like leaves in the wind.

Chaos erupted in the academy, a cacophony of screams and frantic footsteps filling the air.

The once beautiful red-black petals that adorned the academy grounds had now transformed into swarms of spiders... These creatures, crawling at a terrifying speed, raced towards the students, latching onto the backs of their necks with sickening precision.


"Arrh!!" A boy's anguished cry pierced the chaos as he felt the spider dig into his flesh.