Academy is in Danger Part-8

"Are we really going to believe the word of a servant?" Jack Sparrow's voice dripped with annoyance as he stepped into the dimly lit classroom of the first-year students.

"You got a better idea?" Nyx Shadowfall's response was laced with amusement, her lips curling into a smirk.

She couldn't help but be entertained by the absurdity of it all.... here they were, the elite of the academy, placing their trust in a mere servant's guidance.

[+1 AP]

"Tsk." Jack clicked his tongue in irritation, his eyes scanning the room. 

"I never imagined Victor, of all people, would stoop to being friends with a servant..." Thalia Crimsonclaw muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her image of Victor—a man of pride and arrogance—clashed violently with the idea of him lowering himself to befriend someone of such low status.

It didn't make sense!

But then, nothing made sense in actions to begin!