Side Story to Main Events!

Maelona stared at the door for a long moment, her anger simmering beneath the surface. Finally, she let out a deep sigh, turning on her heel and heading back to her room.

'That bitch is really starting to get under my skin...' Maelona thought, her irritation clear as she closed the door behind her.

Her usually vibrant green eyes momentarily flickered red as a wave of exhaustion washed over her. Feeling the familiar weariness creeping in, she quickly moved to her drawer, pulling out the last remaining bottle of her 'Medicine' and downing it in one swift gulp.

A relieved sigh escaped her lips as her eyes returned to their normal green hue. She stared at the now-empty drawer with a sense of unease, 'I need to contact Aether,' she thought.

Even though they were connected by the Eternal Seal, Maelona had avoided reaching out to Aether since he left.