Growing Older

[It's truly a simple game, you know! All you need to do is choose between two paths before you....]

The white letters glowed ominously in the pitch-black void, casting an eerie light that seemed to pulse with life.

As the words lingered, two white doors materialized on opposite sides of the void, their surfaces gleaming like polished ivory.

The group dusting their butt, stared at the two doors, their eyes flickering with uncertainty and dread. The words lingered, urging them to make a choice, but the tension in the air was palpable.

[Whatever path you choose... you alone will face it!]

"..." A heavy, suffocating silence followed.

They understood now.... they would have to face the test alone, isolated from one another. The thought sent a shiver of fear through the group, and more than one person found themselves involuntarily clenching their fists.