Something changed...

Umbrionis Void Empire

An Empire steeped in darkness, where entities of the night and practitioners of forbidden, dark magic roamed freely.... Other empires often referred to it as the 'Demon Empire.'

Here, souls of the deceased arrived, drawn by an unyielding force!! Void Eyes!

Each was judged for their sins... and upon judgment, they faced one of two fates: eternal suffering in unimaginable torment, or.... the chance to walk the Path of Samsara, where they would be granted rebirth... a second chance at life!

On this particular day, the process was as routine as ever... Countless souls stood on the highest peak, overlooking the empire's ominous black river.

The river rushed violently, crashing down into an endless void below, its waters dark and foreboding!

The souls, ethereal in form, hovered in white misty shapes, waiting for their turn.