Once he knows how I taste… Fu~Fu~

Aether didn't move his pieces blindly; he moved them with careful calculation, predicting what the Master would possibly do… thinking just like him, step by step, move by move.

Sure, he knew the future and all, but the moment Aether stepped in and made his own moves, the entire board had already shifted.

Naturally, the Master would adjust his plans accordingly, adapting like a predator waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

That was where Aether started thinking like him… Of course, he didn't know the Master perfectly, not down to every intricate detail, but one thing he was absolutely sure of—the man despised leaving any evidence of himself.

He wasn't just meticulous; he was a perfectionist, a mastermind who wanted to weave the ideal scenario, one where he controlled every single outcome. He didn't make careless moves. Every action was deliberate, precise, and left no trace behind.