Ghost of the Past

Axel's eyes widened as he spotted the lone relic of a bygone era: an old gangster bike. Its once glossy black body had faded to a dull shade of gray, covered in patches of rust and dirt that hinted at years of neglect. Despite its worn appearance, the bike exuded a certain majesty.

With its large, glass windshield on top and sleek, stylish design, Axel couldn't help but be reminded of a time long past, when such vehicles ruled the roads.

"Aaahh! What a beauty. It's an antique! No, it's actually ancient."

Axel exclaimed excitedly. He was truly down for these kind of old vehicles.

"That's an Authority vehicle. A bike, modified by some engineer. It's about a few hundred years old. I found it abandoned and took it. Since then, it's been sitting in the garage."

Axel couldn't wrap his head around his luck. It was like stumbling upon a jackpot! He stepped closer, jaw practically hitting the ground. Words? Nope, they had taken a vacation. His hand reached out, fingers brushing against the bike, soaking in its sleek, cool feel.

"It's called 'The Ghost'. Why? 'Cause it's like it doesn't even exist in the records. No owner's name, nothin'. Like it vanished into thin air. Maybe someone scrubbed it clean from the Data Sphere. Or maybe it's just ancient history."

"You're seriously handing me this bike?"

"Heck yeah, why not? You practically pulled me outta the fire back there. It's not like it's worth a mountain of cash anyway. Before you showed up, it was just takin' up space. Would've dumped it ages ago if it had any real worth."

Axel was overwhelmed with gratitude. This bike felt like the long-lost twin of his 'Boss.' It was like they were meant to be together, just like Viktor and Vektor. Boss and Ghost. The perfect duo.

"Thanks a ton. I'm still wrapping my head around it, really, thank you."

Quinn grinned, her lips quirking up.

"Take this too."

She passed him a revolver, holstered and all. He unclipped it, feeling the weight in his hand. It had that old-timey vibe, like a family heirloom passed down through the generations.

"Quinn, I--"

"Just go, Axel. Get outta this dump. Ain't nothing good left here anyway."

She gave his back a reassuring pat. He hesitated, meeting her gaze for a moment before swinging his leg over the bike. Grabbing the helmet, he secured it on his head and revved up the engine, ready to leave it all behind.

Byte hopped onto the bike, perching herself on the gas tank like it was her throne. Quinn passed over some Gasoline Stems.

"You'll need these. Stay safe out there."

Axel nodded gratefully, tucking the stems into his pocket

She was ready to walk away, but a sudden tug on her arm stopped her in her tracks. Turning back, she saw Axel gripping her arm.

"Come with me," he said earnestly.


"Leave all this behind. Come with me."

"Axel, what on earth are you talking about?"

"You said it yourself. This place is going down. And the Authority? They won't be coming back for you. We both know it. Give it a month, and this whole joint will crumble. Come on, Quinn. Let's get outta here together."

"I have a duty to this city. My old man died fighting for it. I can't just bail."

"What can you do on your own, Quinn? Come on, together we can--"

"I can't, Axel. But if you come back and this city's still standing, and I'm breathing, find me. Then we'll talk again."

She gently freed her arm from his grasp and shot him a smile before turning away, leaving Axel and the cat behind. Strangely, to him, she felt like family. Like the kind of person you could shoot the breeze with, pull pranks on, and just be yourself around. Meeting her didn't even feel like a first encounter—it was as if they'd known each other for ages.

Axel let out a sigh, then stuck a gasoline stem into the side of the old gas tank, watching as it slurped up the fuel.

He double-checked Byte's bag, making sure the cred stick was still snug inside. Then, he added a small square device with a clip to the mix. With everything in place, he took a step back and swung his foot at the kicker. One, two, three, and bam!

The Ghost roared back to life, its engine singing with newfound freedom. Gripping the handles tight, he revved the engine, feeling the heartbeat of the beast beneath him. This wasn't just a bike; it was a beast with a beating heart, and he was ready to ride it into the unknown.

"Hold on tight, Byte. We're about to kick off one heck of a wild ride!"


Quinn wasn't herself. Despite trying to convince Axel that the city might hold on for at least a month or two, deep down, she knew it was a lost cause.

As foolish and reckless as the kid could be, he was onto something.

This city was doomed.

But leaving wasn't an option for Quinn. Her father had given his life to protect this city. It was his legacy, his duty, and now it fell on her shoulders. She couldn't just walk away.

That's why she had handed Axel her father's gun. It was a small gesture, but it meant something. At least a piece of her father's legacy would live on through someone else.

She stood there, silently watching as Axel tore down the road, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. The setting sun painted the sky in fiery hues, but she barely noticed, her mind racing with thoughts of joining him.

Duty be damned, she wanted to feel the rush of wind against her face, to leave behind the chaos of the city.

But in a split second, she shoved those thoughts aside, reminding herself of the oath she swore. With a heavy heart, she turned away, the sound of Axel's engine fading into the distance as she steeled herself.

With a simple thought, Quinn activated the window blinds, watching as they slowly descended to cover the glass window, shutting out the outside world.

He was kinda clueless about a lot of stuff in life. Even though he grew up hustling on the streets, he was way too trusting of folks.

Maybe it's 'cause he's an orphan who just wants someone to care, y'know?

Everything he did, the way he acted, even how he talked, it all screamed that he just wanted a family, a place to belong.

She came back and plopped down in the chair, lost in her thoughts.

She unhooked her holster and tossed it casually onto the table. Then she reached down, feeling around for her Police I.D. that she always kept clipped to her pants. But it wasn't there. She looked down, realizing it was really missing. Just as she was about to jump up in a rage, a certain someone's face popped into her mind.

"Little shit stole my freakin' I.D. while sweet-talking me into going with him. Axel, you sneaky son of a bitch, mark my words, I'll catch up with you again, and I'll kick your scrawny ass next time!"

She leaned back, propping her feet up on the table, bursting into laughter.