A Daily Dose Of My life.

So previously I talked with the author where you got to know about me . So today you're gonna know about my school life. So I'm a middle schooler. I'm currently in the eight grade in a school named after a character in Peter Pan which I'm definitely embarrassed to mention. So anyway I normally wake up at ..I'd say maybe 4: 30am . My mom is actually the one who wakes me up and actually I don't think she suffers at doing that job it's probably the easiest thing anyone could probably do in the world right mom?( *Mom stares at Ariadne intensely*) yeah.. I think she agrees . Anyway I get prepared for school just like any other normal teenager. I leave home at maybe 6:20am. Normally my mother is sort of paranoid and scared about me getting kidnapped or lost

( Ariadne: Told ya I was famous

Author: Right..It'd be a waste of effort for the person who actually does that)

So she hired a driver to drive me to school and honestly I feel bad cause he'll end up getting fired in the future anyway.Class starts at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm. I then have a tutor who tutors me for another one hour before going home . School is sort of like a mental prison for me . I feel like all it does is define us with our grades. I literally don't get why I have to start from kindergarten and then go to primary school, then middle school and then highschool!!! (Fskdjhogsjishgs**#$@&) This is me losing my mind after thinking of school. Anyway I'm an average student and in my dictionary that means the state of being both dumb and smart in a quite balanced way. ( Just kidding 😅) . Let's probably skip that part. I don't have any favorite subjects nor teacher. The only thing I enjoy in school to be honest is the fans they recently installed in my classroom. I just like how I end up dosing off in class because of the fans. And the good thing is that because I sit in the back row I never get caught which reminds me of a classmate named Peter who usually sits at the front row but always ended up falling asleep in front of the teacher during his or her lesson. I did ask him why he always did that but he just kept insisting that the teacher was at fault so he always decided to teach when it was time for his nap.( Not gonna lie though, it sounds pretty cool to me). Anyway back to my school life so I lied about being an average student . I see myself to be average but because I'm always in the top three people see me to be smart if only they saw how I behave and act in the house . It's sort of like a Cinderella story I guess but in my case there's no prince charming and no fairy godmother as well as mice( definitely eww) and also in a totally opposite way of course. What I mean is that at day time I sort of act like an goody goody girl or an angel or maybe a princess ( Author: Pfft..as if😂) but at night time when I'm at home it's definitely the direct opposite not saying I'm a bad girl though( Author: Finally exposing your true colors ain't ya?). My parents actually never had time for me as a kid and I didn't want to embarrass my family in school because it's said that a child portrays the behavior of their parents or whatever or exhibits the training received at home in school so I try my very best to be a responsible student so that I don't end up embarrassing my parents which I'm likely to do in the future. I wonder what else I can say about my school life. Hmmm ..

( * Brother barges into Ariadne's room* 

Brother: Hey it's time for dinner . Get your ass down there I can't wait any longer 

Ariadne: Be there in a minute . )

I have to get going now. My brain is sort of out of ideas and anyway I hope you've been able to get a glimpse of my school life. That's it for today guys . Bye and take care 💗.