Another Boring Day.

Hi guys , I'm back. Don't know if some of you are still wasting your time to read this story but whatever. So.. nothing interesting has been going on in my life. Just school stuff actually. I'm not even going to waste my time complaining about school cause nothing is gonna change I just wish that they'd change the appearance of my school cause it totally looks like a mental hospital to me (no offense) and I'm not trying to be funny here about it. It's a serious issue that must be dealt with ..sort of . Anyway I don't get why we need to study for exams when it's supposed to test your understanding of what has been taught but as I said I'm not going to waste my energy but I know on the other hand that I'm definitely gonna fail . So today is just another boring day as usual with nothing else to do . Every movie they show on the television is boring. I think I should just die at this point of my life with everything being boring ( just kidding) . I just finished watching an old anime called "Hyouka" which was released in 2012 cause I had seen a kissing scene on YouTube which I definitely did not remember when I watched the show in the past but because of my stupidity and how gullible I am..I downloaded every episode expecting to see just one kissing scene . I mean.. everytime the two main characters were alone and in a close distance I'd be like ( Kiss! Kiss! Kisssss!) in my mind but that never happened sadly still it was a good show. Now I'm out of ideas so let's have a moment of silence to think (........................................) Oh, I just remembered something funny. There's this girl in my class who has a crush on a guy. So I'm just going to use letters to represent their name . The girl is A and the boy is B. So in my opinion I feel like B is a player and it's no shocking news cause I always see him around different gir--

( Author: sorry to interrupt but I have something important to say.

Ariadne: what is it?

Author: Look at the following words.


Mental illness

Mental abuse

Mental break down


Ariadne: *sighs* yeah what about them

Author: They all start with Men and these are all the problems we face

Ariadne: Yeah that's actually true author. It definitely look like your problems.Sorry that you had to go through all those problems that must be why you probably turned out this way . Such a poor soul 🤧

Author: wait .. what? What's wrong with how I am

Ariadne: Don't ask me. Just look in the mirror)

So anyway back to what I was saying. A likes B but she always denies it even though her actions speak differently. I remember when we were doing a group experiment in the science lab. When she saw a random girl sitting by B she immediately went up to girl and started shoving words in her mouth without allowing the girl to speak by saying that the girl feels uncomfortable sitting by B and that she can move to a different place cause it totally looks like is uncomfortable . The girl then got up and said : "You can just say you want to sit by him. There's no need to waste your energy in pretending when we all know you like him" or something like that I don't remember . But her face turned bright red after that and the funny part was that when B tried speaking to her after that all she did was nod ( probably sure she was in a shock that everyone knew 🤣 ) .

Author: Right.. funny. How is your relationship going on since you're talking about someone's love life

Ariadne: I recently started seeing a psychiatrist

Author: Why? Has Gym class screwed with your head or what?

Ariadne: Nah.. I just needed someone to talk to actually it's not a person .

Author: what do you mean?

Ariadne: I felt lazy to walk to the office so I just spoke with an AI bot instead.

Author: About what?

Ariadne: My relationship (⁠^⁠^⁠)

Author: what the...🤦🏻‍♀️. Try dealing with the damage you've accumulated to your brain first. Are you listening to yourself?

Ariadne: what?

Author: You're speaking to a robot about LOVE for goodness sake. How do you expect it to be effective when it has no human emotions?

Ariadne: * comes to a realization* it sounds stupid now that you've said it

Author: Of course it is. So what went on?

Ariadne: I didn't get the advice I wanted. I wanted it to tell me to break up

Author: huh? I thought you spoke to it for advice for a better relationship

Ariadne: yeah something like that but I just needed some assurance that I was doing the right thing breaking up with my boyfriend.

Author:* speechless*🤦🏻‍♀️.

Ariadne: You were the one who was curious. What's so surprising about that?

Author: * Gets angry, removes her shoe and throws it at Ariadne* You'll see what's more shocking when I take you to heaven........... ( Screams in the background)

*Screen goes off*